Chapter 4: Attending Hogwarts

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Sorry for spelling mistakes!! But i LOVE you all, atleast them who read my story!

AND, THANKS FOR MAKING THE STORY BE ON "WHAT'S HOT" - LIST! I'm on #595 now!! So thanks!

I'm useing a little of information from HP 7 book, in the story. Al rights to J. K. Rowling!


Chapter 4: Attending Hogwarts

Kathrines POV

So there I stand, on platform 3 ¾. The train was HUGE, and I didn't really expect it, of cause my father had told me about it but it was still HUGE! I stood alone, since Bellatrix couldn't come, and Igor was at Durmstrang, at the end of the platform, and looked at the beginning at the train.

It was LONG too! It was then that I spotted the Potters, they stood at the beginning of the train and smiled to another family. Who are they? Red hair? GOOD, it's another Weasley, with a not Weasley woman. Who the heck are she? The woman turned a little and... OMG! It's THE MUGGLE!!! I almost killed her with my thoughts. I could actually do that, no wonder my father was proud of me.

I could do stuff with my hands and brain, no need for a wand here, but I used it to look weak. I hated it, but it was necessary. All of the boys at Durmstrang knew who I am, and they respect me for it, and I didn't need to use my ward there. They never thought of telling anyone either, so they were one of the good ones.

The Potters and the Weasleys were still at the top of the platform, I whispered "Eklamonto" and walked undetected into Ginny's head, again. I totally get it, there's no need to protect anybody's head now, HE THINK, since my father's gone. Ginny's head was so full of stuff, she's remembering so much. OMG! Hate her head, but I needed to know what happens over there. I hope her head is more calm now.

----Inside Ginny's head-----

I could hear that Albus wanted to talk to Harry alone, and I let them. Ahh, this headache I suddenly got was killing me. Hermione was actually cute in the little dress she's wearing, maybe we could go shopping in the muggle world together some time? I'll ask her another time.

All of the other students were going towards the trains, and those who weren't got goodbye kisses and hugs from their parents. I could see James jumping on the train, and probably walk into a luggage with his friends.

He's going on his 5th year. I'm SO proud of him, but he reminds me a bit of Harry. Right behind him, I could see Victoire go on the train, she'll start at her 6th year, and she's SO cute. I'll buy her a nice dress, when I'm going on shopping!

Albus was worried, I could see that but it's going to be completely fine. Harry's scar had not pained him for nineteen years.

I looked down the train and saw a girl that stood all alone on the platform, she was stared at me, why?


OMG! I almost missed the train! Dumb ass!! I ran to the back door, and jumped inside. The hall was almost clear which was great, but it made all the rooms full. I walked down the hall, and of cause the only spot that was available to sit was with the Potters and the Weasleys, it was strange that all of them sat in the same luggage. I thought the older ones sat with their friends?

I knocked on the glass window on the door, and opened the door.

"Can I sit here? It's no open spots in any other." I said sweetly, have to act, you have to act, I told myself all the time.

"Of cause" smiled Victoire, she seemed nice but I couldn't care less. I was here to kill and hurt Harry Potter or his family. I sat on the open spot, which by the way was at the window.

"OMG! So rude we are! We haven't introduced ourselves, since you seem like you're new here? I'm I right?"

"She's new, since she doesn't have any house mark yet, but you seem too old to start at 1st grade?" Said a little girl, she looked like a little Hermione, so I guess she's her child. She was annoyingly smart.

"Shhh!" Victoire hushed at mini Hermione. "As I said BEFORE I was interrupted, I'm Victoire" She smiled.

"Ohhh!"said Albus, like he wanted to be the next one to introduce himself. And as I thought he was the next. " I'm Albus Severus, but just call me Albus." He smiled too.

"I'm James Sirius, but just call me James," a boy at the opposite side of me, I haven't really noticed him before. He was cute! NO! Stop it Kathrine! You CAN'T think like this! The last girl, mini Hermione, introduced herself as the others, they are so boring, except James. Apparently her name's Rose, but I think I'll call her mini Hermione!

"I'm Kathrine," I said and smiled to the group, fake of cause.

"So, which grade are you going to attend?" James asked me, he's so cute! KATHRINE!!

"I'm going to attend my 5th year," I said and smiled. He looked surprised at me and a huge smile came visible in his face.

"The same grade as me!" he almost screamed at me, but he smiled. I could tell he was happy, I smiled back.

"I'm sorry, but is it okey for you if I sleep for a while?" I asked them, I was tired actually, weird.

"Sure, just sleep you, we'll wake you when we're there," Victoire smiled at me, and I, of cause, smiled back. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep at once.

Someone pushed me in the side, and I wake at once. I almost casted a curse at the guy, a curse I shouldn't even know. The killing curse. I HATED to be waken, but at the last second I saw it was Albus.

"Hey," I said tired at him.

"We're here, there, we're everywhere!" he screamed, sang, and whispered at the same time. Obviously he was happy!

"Ahh, thanks!" I said, thanks because he waked me up. I looked out the window and saw this huge castle! It's actually amazing! I could tell why dad loved this place, I loved it at once myself. It had huge towers, and even more amazing forest behind it. I couldn't tell how it looked, but I suppose it looked the same as on the pictures I've seen.


So what do you think? Comment, Vote or Fan?

What do you think of Kathrines "love"?

Anything you DON'T like?

I won't upload before I get 1 COMMENT, that tells me what you think.


Can you do that? Will it be a challenge?

And, I know how the story will go, but I want to know how you want it to go, put in some ideas, and maybe I use them.

Caroline :D

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