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Jake: when i was born, i was given a choice to be overwhelmingly cute or to have a great memory

Jungwon: which one did you choose?

Jake: i can't really remember


Heeseung: why am i here

Sunghoon: because you're easily distracted

Heeseung: what? when it comes to mental focus, i'm sharper than-

Sunghoon: *pulls out a candy bar*

Heeseung: oooooh


Jay: where are the kids

Jake: oh ni-ki had a dream that some rich guy died in our walls so now they're in the crawlspace looking for money

Jay: you hear these things and yet you do nothing

Jake: i'm respecting their life choices


Ni-ki: have you been rejected?

Jungwon: yeah

Ni-ki: really?

Jungwon, with vacant eyes: a cat turned around when i tried to pet him


Jay: *pushes Sunghoon off the sofa and sits down*

Sunghoon: hey i was here first

Jay: on the planet? no. exactly, i win.


Jake: people who sleep without socks on make me worried

Sunoo: people who sleep with socks are not to be trusted

Ni-ki: people who sleep are weird

Jungwon: i was a sock once


Sunghoon: was i really that drunk?

Sunoo: the police were called because you were so loud and when he asked for your name you pointed to your face and said 'Google it bitch'


Jungwon: just learned that a dentist a block away from here was arrested for dealing drugs

Jungwon: shows you how wrong you can be about people

Jungwon: i had been going to him for ten years

Jungwon: never knew he was a dentist


Sunoo: why do good people die young?

Heeseung: well when you're in a garden full of flowers, which ones do you pick?

Sunoo: the ugly ones

Heeseung: exactl— wait what? why?

Sunoo: because ugly bitches don't belong in my garden!


Jungwon: nothing in life is free

Heeseung: adventure is free

Jay: life is free

Jake: love is free

Ni-ki: you fools. everything is free if you take it without paying

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