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I walked into their house and followed my aunt up to my new room, which already had a bed, nightstand, bureau/dresser, and a desk. They would let me decorate it how I wanted. I set my bags down and went to the lounge.

"Oh, (Y/N)! Why don't you head down the block to the store and buy some snacks for yourself." My uncle said handing me some money.

"Okay." I walked outside thinking of what to buy. After I payed and left the building, I noticed a boy about my age being stopped by one of those people who take up your time by talking to you about charity or buying their product. And she wasn't gonna finish anytime soon. He was looking around nervously. Probably too kind to say no to her. I decided to help.

It took tons of courage but I went for it. "Oh, there you are! I was looking for you!" I shouted at him while jogging over. I stood with my back to the woman and gave him a look that said 'go with it'. He got the hint as I continued.

"We are going to be late! The ride alone takes 20 minutes! And it starts in 25 minutes!" Wow, my acting was good. I turned to the lady. "I am so sorry ma'am but we must get going." She nodded in understanding as I grabbed his wrist and ran around the corner.

"Thank you. So much. My name is Dan. Dan Howell." He held out his hand and I shook it. "I'm (Y/F/N). And don't sweat it." He smiled.

"I can take it by your accent you're not from around here." I nodded. "And I can take it by your accent you are." He laughed. Not too many people laughed at my sarcasm.

"Well, I gotta go. See you around?" I nodded and he left. He was kinda cute. With his brown eyes, perfect hair, and that smile...Stop it!

I walked off trying not to think of Dan and only of my food. I unlocked the door, my aunt gave me a key at the airport, and went in my room to unpack my things and hide my snacks from my little cousin. Who was currently at a play date.

I decided to video chat my friends. They asked me to tell them all about it so far. Gwen knew something was up. "Hey, (nickname)?" She said. "Yeah, Gwennie?" I looked at her puzzled. "Is anything the matter?" She asked. I felt my cheeks go from normal to red. I totally avoided my encounter with the cute British boy.

"There is!" She exclaimed! "And it's a boy!" Harper and River squealed. Something we don't usually do. "Ooh! Tell us, (Y/N)!" River pleaded. So did Harper. "Ugh! Fine!" I groaned. I told them about me "saving" him and our talk. "You have to see him again! And tell us how it goes." Harper demanded. The girls nodded. I agreed. When my aunt called me downstairs.

"Bye, guys!" I hung up. I walked into the lounge and saw three people sitting on a couch, backs to me. A man, a woman, and a young boy.

"(Y/N), these are the Howells, our neighbors. And this is our niece. She's from America." Howell? I thought. That sounds familiar... The strangers turned around and I gasped.

"Dan?" He's my neighbor? Oh my goodness. I have to tell the girls.

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