Mean Girl

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I still kept in contact with my friends back home, just not as much. I usually hung out with Dan, Phil, and Chloe.

It turns out, the girl who stares at Dan is named Olivia. "They had a short history together." Phil informed me. "Not much to get worried about. She was the only one with feelings."

Every now and then I would see Olivia and her friends snickering at me. Even if I asked, Dan would always avoid talking about her so I gave up. Today was the day she crossed the line.

It was the end of the day, and I was talking with Chloe and Phil outside. Dan was still yet to come out of the building. She walked up to me and laughed.

"Are you serious? A (favorite band) shirt? You really are pathetic."

I put my arm out to stop Chloe from punching her. "Like you're one to judge. Where did you get your jeans? The bin?"

Olivia got all up in my face. Her green eyes staring into my (e/c) ones. "Listen here, new girl. You made a mistake coming. And just to make sure you know your place, here's a gift."

I noticed the smoothie in her hand when it was too late. Olivia took off the lid and poured on me. I scoffed and walked home without Dan.

"I would slap you, but I don't want to get slut on my hand." Chloe shouted at her. Then she and Phil jogged to catch up with me. After Phil spit on Olivia's shoes.

I told them I was fine, and would talk to them tomorrow. Dan kept calling and calling but I ignored him. After the 20th time, I picked up.

"What is it, Howell?" I said coldly.

"(Y/N)! I was getting worried. What's the matter?"

"You know how you said you would always protect me? Good job." I hung up and threw my phone across the room.

I knew it wasn't his fault, but I couldn't help but feel abandoned. A few minutes later I heard the door open and two people talking. Then I heard someone coming up the stairs, and Daniel was at my door.

I hadn't bothered to clean up, so he saw the remains of smoothie on me. Dan froze in the doorway taking it in. I looked up at him, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"(Y/N)... I'm so sorry. I knew I should've stayed by your side." He embraced me tightly.

"I'm just so sick of that girl!"

"So am I."

"It's just like before." I whispered.


I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm just glad you're here." And I was.

A/N: Yes, it was short. There was just nothing else I could think of writing at the moment.

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