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A/N: "Evans" is your uncle's last name that is now your aunt's last name, too. (Since they are married)

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

I was thinking about that pretty American girl while walking. Even her name is perfect. I should've asked her out when I had the chance. Idiot. I could ask around town if anyone knew (Y/N) so I could talk to her again, but that would be kinda stalker-ish.

"Daniel! Come on!" My mum called. We're going next door to the Evans household to meet their niece who is living with them now. Honestly, I don't want to go because one, I don't like to socialize and two, I would rather think about what to say to (Y/N) if I saw her again. But, I went anyway.

We walked in and Mrs. Evans greeted us and told us to have a seat. She sat down and called out, "Sweetie, come down we have guests!" I heard footsteps as Mr. Evans said, "(Y/N), these are the Howells, our neighbors. This is our niece. She's from America.

Wait. (Y/N)?! America?! Is it her? We turned around and she gasped. "Dan?" I stood up in awe. "(Y/N)? You're our new neighbor?"

*~~~Your POV~~~*

"Um, well, I uh g-guess so." I stammered. Smooth. "Oh! You two know each other?" The woman, who I guess is Mrs. Howell, asked. Dan nodded and scratched the back of his neck.

"She's the one who helped me at the store earlier today." His dad stood up too and patted him on the back. "So this is the pretty girl you were talking about before you went upstairs." I blushed. So did Dan. He talked about me? "I, um, guess I did talk about her."

I sat with my Aunt and Uncle while the adults were talking. "(Y/N), why don't you and Daniel go hang out upstairs?" My uncle suggested. "Oh, okay. Come on, Dan." He followed me upstairs to my room.

I was able to unpack all of my things so he looked around my room at my posters and possessions. "Nice room." He said, trying to start a conversation. "Thanks." I'm probably making him feel awkward. Great. He looked at my laptop which was open to my YouTube page, since I exited the chat.

"Oh, that's nothing." I said sheepishly. He scrolled through the videos. "I have one, too." I was surprised. I had never really met any other starting YouTubers. I picked up my laptop and looked up at him, sitting on my bed.

"What's it called?" He kinda blushed. "Uh...Dan is not on fire. No spaces or caps." He murmured. "I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you." He repeated it, louder this time. I typed in danisnotonfire and smiled at the results. I subscribed. Hey, you gotta help each other out.

"Do you want to collab sometime?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. "Yeah. We could do a video on your channel and one on mine."

We started talking and didn't stop until Dan had to leave. "So, tomorrow maybe?" He asked. "Yeah sounds great!" I smiled. We said goodbye to the Howells and as I closed the door my aunt looked at me.

"What?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. "What's tomorrow with Daniel, (Y/N)?" She asked. "It's nothing, Aunt Em. Dan and I are just going to film some videos. You know, for that website I'm on. He has one, too."

She eyed me suspiciously. "Are you sure that's all?" I nodded. "If it isn't, just know that he is a very nice boy and your Uncle Adam and I approve of him." She bopped my nose then left to pick up my 4 year old cousin, Nyla.

I sighed then proceeded to text the girls. They all checked out his channel. Harper said we would make a cute couple, River wanted me to introduce him to the group, and Gwen kept saying, "Our bestie is getting a boyfriend!" I smiled. I miss them already.

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