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After meeting Dan, we started growing closer. I arrived at the beginning of summer, so school didn't start until about a month.

I followed my usual routine. Breakfast, internet, shower, hair, clothes, internet. My family was in the longue, aunt and uncle talking, cousin playing, and me on my laptop. I felt at peace. Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last for long. Nyla decided she wanted to play outside, to which Uncle Adam agreed.

After about 10 minutes of her giggling and shouts of joy, I was about to go out and check on her. I heard tires squealing, a thud, and a cry for help. I jumped up forgetting what I was doing and raced outside.

Then I saw it. Nyla. On the road. A polka-dotted bouncy ball in her hand. Lying in a pool of blood. I screamed and ran to her, tears running down my face. I put her head in my lap as my aunt dialed 999. I was sobbing. Dan rushed outside once he heard my scream. The ambulance came and took her away. My aunt took my hands in hers and said, "Don't worry, (Y/N). The doctors say she's fine. She's still breathing, but your uncle and I will be staying with her at the hospital." I nodded as she got in the car and they drove off.

Dan was sitting beside me, rubbing my back. I layed my head in his lap. "Everything is going to be alright. Don't cry." I heard him fight back tears. Nyla was also like family to him. Mrs. Howell came out and told me to come inside. I was sitting on the couch, quietly crying as she brought me some tea. Dan never left my side.

"You could stay the night if you like, (Y/N). I don't want you to be alone." I nodded to Dan's request, sipping my tea. When I was able to recollect my thoughts, I told Dan I was going to get some of my things, and he came with me.

We were watching a movie in Dan's room when I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

I helped (Y/N) calm down after the accident. I hated seeing her so upset. I felt like crying, too. I loved Nyla. She was like my little sister. I had to stay strong for (Y/N), though. She got some essentials from her room and came back to my house. I wanted to keep an eye on her, just to make sure she was safe.

We were watching a movie when I heard her yawn. I was about to carry her to the guest room when she fell asleep on me. She looked so peaceful so I decided to just turn off the television and let her sleep here.

I moved over a bit to get comfortable. She mumbled, "Dan. Don't leave me. I don't want to be alone." I kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, princess. I'll never leave you."

A/N: I was going to end the chapter here.......nah! It's too short. The story continues!

I got out my laptop and looked at the video we uploaded on my channel. Scrolling through the comments all I saw was love. There were a few haters just being stupid, but I focused on the positive.

-aw! I ship it!
-funny vid! I need to check out this (Y/N) girl's channel! She seems cool
-You guys are too cute
>are they dating?
> they should be!
>#(shipname) on twitter!

I didn't have the biggest fan base, I was just starting out, but they did support me. I looked at (Y/N)'s channel and it was all the same.

I love her so much. I don't want to tell her yet, because that would add drama to her life which she didn't need now. I fell asleep with her head on my chest, while playing with her hair. I kissed her forehead again. "Good night, (Y/N)."

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