No More Summer

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Summer was almost over. I pretty much spent every day with Dan. Strangers would always mistake us for a couple, but we're just really good friends.

Our YouTube channels grew, and so did my eagerness for school to start. Which is odd. I had talked with Dan about the school here, and he said it was pretty good.

"I also want to introduce you to one of my friends." He explained. "He was on holiday for most of the summer, so you'll meet him next week."

We were both in weird positions just on tumblr, Dan called it his "Browsing Position". I got up to go to my snack drawer.

"Dan! You ate all my food!" I whined.

"Let's go buy some more then."

"Tomorrow. The store is too far."

He rolled his eyes and went back to browsing. I wasn't afraid to be myself around him, which is a good thing. I had an outfit planned for the first day of school, and hoped I would make a good impression on everyone.

*~~~TIME SKIP~~~*

I turned my alarm clock off, jumped out of bed and rushed to start my day. First day of school!

I looked in the mirror, trying to find something I could do to make my outfit better. I had to hurry. I promised Dan I would take the bus with him to school.

"Are you sure you don't want us to drive you, Sweetie?" Aunt Em asked as I headed out the door.

"I'm fine. I'm going with Daniel, remember?" I slung my bag over my shoulder. She nodded. "Alright. Have a good day!"

I ran over to Dan and jumped on his back. "SURPISE ATTACK!" I screamed.

He almost fell on the pavement. "Bloody hell, (Y/N)! What was that?!"

"Wasn't it obvious? A surprise attack." I smiled and he couldn't help but smile back.

At school, it turned out we had all the same classes. Except for two. If any of the other boys tried coming up to me, Dan would give him the look. He was being way over protective. It was so cute.

It was time for lunch, and time to meet Dan's friend. We sat at a small table and another student joined us. The boy that sat across from Dan had striking blue eyes, solid black hair, and a kind smile.

"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." I extended my hand.

"Phil." He shook it. "Oh, so you're (Y/N)? All Dan talks about is you! Once he even said- ow!" He kicked Phil from under the table.

"That's enough of that."

I was slightly disappointed. I wanted to hear what he said. Phil leaned over to me and whispered, "I'll tell you later."

Lunch with Dan and Phil was fun. We had to split ways to go to our classes, though. The two classes I was alone in.

As I was walking in the hall I dropped my folder. All ready making a fool of myself. A nice girl helped me. "Thanks. I'm (Y/N)."

"Oh, you must be new. I'm Chloe. What's your next class?"

It turns out she had the same classes, so I ended up getting a new friend. My first day wasn't too horrible, but there was this one girl who kept eyeing Dan and glaring at me. It seemed like he was trying to avoid her.

"New school, new beginnings." I kept saying. In my previous town, I was bullied for being home schooled. That's another reason I'm in England. I wasn't going to let one moody teenager get to me. Or, was I?

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