Fall Out Boy

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It was the year after I graduated when Dan had a "super special surprise" for our anniversary. He insisted that I be blindfolded during the whole ride, which I found highly unnecessary.

When he finally let me take it off, I almost screamed. We were at a Fall Out Boy concert! I got out of the car and kissed him on the cheek nearly 20 times. For a few songs, he actually let me sit on his shoulders so I could see perfectly.

There was a short break in the concert, usual. He took the charm of my necklace in his hand.

"You're wearing it."

"Dan, I only take it off to go to sleep. It was the best present I've ever gotten."

He smiled at me."I'll be right back." Then he dissappeared into the crowd.

Before they played another song, Patrick Stump said they had a special announcement from a good friend of theirs. Dan walked on stage and I was really confused.

"This is for my girlfriend, (Y/N). Come on up here."

A path was cleared for me and I walked to Dan, trying not to blush. He kneeled down and took my hand in one of his. The same way he did when he proposed for prom, but instead of a rose he was holding a microphone.

"Ever since I first met you, I knew I wanted to be with you. There were hard times that we went through together, but it was all worth it. You are the most beautiful, wonderful, quirky girl I have ever met. You changed my life, for the better. But I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." He paused and I heard a few gasps from the crowd.

Was this all a cruel joke to break up with me?

He saw the doubt and anger in my face and quickly added, "I want to be your husband. Will you marry me, (Y/N)?"

He let go of my hand to take a velvet box out of his pocket, which contained an engagement ring. All I could do was nod my head and try not to cry. He put the ring on my finger and we kissed in front of everyone.

Dan gave the microphone back to Patrick, who congratulated us once we got back to the crowd. They played [your favorite song] just for us and a little while later the concert was over. I held Dan's all the way to the car and couldn't believe my luck. Several years ago he was just my cute neighbor. Now he was my fiancé.

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

She said yes. I looked at (Y/N) from the corner of my eye. At first she was trying to fight the sleep, then decided to just go with it.

I had talked to Mr. and Mrs. Evans, her uncle and aunt, about planning to propose to her.

"It would be a pleasure to have you as my nephew-in-law, Daniel." He had said, and patted me on the back.

Now to announce it to my viewers on YouTube. I know a fraction of them didn't like her but neither of us cared. The positive definitely outweighed the negative in this case.

We got back to my apartment and I tried to wake her up. "(Y/N)? Come on, we're here."

She tossed and turned, then went back to sleep. I knew waking her up was hard, I've had to deal with it before, but sometimes it was absolutely impossible.

"Do you want to stay in the car?"

She shook her head.

"Then come on."

She shook her head again.

I just chuckled and picked her up bridal style. I could tell she was smiling.

"Are you happy now?"

She nodded.

When I knocked on the door Phil opened it. I set her down in the lounge and she got up immediately.

"Hey, Phil!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"So how is the soon-to-be married couple?" He asked, smiling.

"One of us was tricked. The other one is (Y/N)." I looked at her. "Were you even asleep?"

"For most of it I was, then when you weren't looking I opened my eyes to see where we were." She explained. "When I realized we were close, I didn't feel like walking so I got you to carry me."

Phil laughed. (Y/N) sometimes pulled little pranks or jokes, not huge ones though, and he was always on board with them.

"Well I'm actually tired so I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." I kissed her on the forehead and went to my room.

*~~~Your POV~~~*

"So what do you want to do?" Phil asked me.

"Um, Mario Kart?"

We played all night and I fell asleep on the couch at six in the morning. Phil was next to me with the remote in his hand. Mine was on the floor. Dan came downstairs two hours later, to see both of us asleep.

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