Back So Soon

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"So this is Mr. Danisnotonfire." Gwen teased.

"The one and only." He replied.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person." Harper said.

We all started catching up. I couldn't believe they were here. It was three years since I saw them last. Three long years without my best friends.

"So how long are you in the country for?" River asked us. I looked up at Dan nervously. They didn't know about my mom. Or Ryder.

"Actually, we were thinking of going back to the UK tomorrow."

"No, no, no, girlfriend. You come back to America after three years and you're going to leave tomorrow?!" Gwen disapproved of my plan.

"You at least have to spend the rest of the day with us!" River demanded.

So that's what I did. Dan came along of course. I felt like a 14 year old again, hanging out with my besties at the mall. It brought back so many memories of my life before all the drama. When I was carefree.

"I had so much fun with you guys, but we have to go now. I promise to visit another time."

I hugged all of them and got emotional. River was about to burst into tears and Harper almost didn't let go of me when we hugged.

"I love you girls so much."

"We love you, too." They all said in unison. We laughed and I walked with Dan to the parking lot.

Zoë and Ryder were sitting in her car, talking. She saw us coming and unlocked the doors. I sat in the passenger seat and Dan sat in the back with Ryder.

"What took you guys so long?" She questioned.

"I saw Harper, Gwen, and River."

"Oh, your little group." She thought back to when we were younger. "You guys were such pranksters."

"Most of it was Gwendolyn's idea, of course."

We both laughed.

"I really missed you, sis."

"I missed you, too, Zoë. And you, too, Ryder."

He grinned from ear to ear. I felt like I had failed at being a big sister. He shouldn't have to have those bruises on his body. At least he's safe now.

"Aw, touching sibling moment. Am I intruding?" Dan asked.

"No, Daniel, you're fine." I reassured him.

Ryder fell asleep a few minutes after. I leaned over to Zoë in the driver's seat.

"What should we do now?"

"I didn't really think of that. I just wanted to get him away from Dad as soon as possible."

"Should we report Dad to the police? And then, maybe you could become his legal guardian. You are old enough."

She thought about this for a moment.

"That would be the best idea. Don't worry, I'll take Ryder back to my apartment and then tomorrow I'll work on all that stuff. Thank you so much, (Y/N). You saved him."

I turned back in my seat to look at Ryder, and Dan was asleep, too. I smiled to myself. Look at my boys. Zoë caught me staring.

"He's definitely a keeper. I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy, baby sis."

"So am I."

We arrived at the airport and I had to deal with a sleepy Dan who kept whining about 'how we should wait for tomorrow'.

"Yep, definitely a keeper." I whispered to Zoë. We both laughed.

"Do you have to leave, (Y/N)? Can't you stay?" Ryder whimpered.

"I'm so sorry. I promise to visit again, okay?" He nodded and we boarded our plane back home.

I got back home as quick as I left. School was getting really stressful, and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to continue. I only went to university because my parents wanted me to, and right about now my parent situation wasn't that great. Dan said I was having what he called a "Quarter Life Crisis".

"I'm just going to dropout." I blurted while hanging with my friends.

"No, (Y/N), you have to stay." Chloe told me.

Dan and Phil agreed with her. They all took turns persuading me to stay in school.

"Okay, guys, calm down. It was just a thought." I secretly cursed under my breath for telling them my plan. So I stayed.

Every summer Dan and I went to my hometown in America for two weeks. Ryder was doing so much better with Zoë and my dad was arrested. The girls suddenly found out what happened with my parents and knew that's why I went that first time.

I graduated University, and I was proud of myself. So were my friends. Chloe had also dropped out and Phil was almost finished as well.

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