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The events of yesterday still weren't completely gone from my memory. My heart still hurt, a lot. The good thing was, it was break so I didn't have to see Dan at school.

*Ring, ring! Ring, ring!* Phil was calling. "Hey, Phil."

"So, did Dan apologize?"

"I haven't heard from him since yesterday. I probably would've ignored him anyway."

"True. He was being a massive idiot."

"If he talks to me, he talks to me. If he doesn't, I won't talk to him. Simple. I have to go, bye."

"Bye, (Y/N)."

I wasn't going to try and fail at talking to him. He was the one that made the mistake. I'm not sure what was going through his head when he did it, though.

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

Giving (Y/N) some space was the best idea I could think of. I knew she hated me, and I knew she needed time before she would forgive me. If she even could forgive me.

A couple of days after Christmas I saw (Y/N) outside checking her mail. I quickly put on a jacket and ran to her, avoiding frozen puddles.


She rolled her eyes and turned away but I grabbed her wrist firmly.

"What do you want?! I thought you told me to stay out of your life!"

"Okay, listen. I wasn't thinking when I said that and I came here to apologize. I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"Sorry doesn't change the past." She turned to leave again, but I grabbed her and kissed her. Surprisingly, she pushed away.

"So you break my heart, kiss me, and expect me to forgive you?! This isn't a movie, Howell!"

She ran away before I could answer. Okay, now I really screwed it up.

At school she avoided me and so did Phil and Chloe. Olivia would try to kiss me again but I refused.

I stopped really caring about school, and more about (Y/N). I watched her old videos, especially the ones we did together. I needed to see that smile on her face again, and I was dieing inside knowing that I was the one who caused it to leave.

I suddenly knew what to do with her present.

I set up the camera on a tripod and pressed record...

*~~~Your POV~~~*

When Dan kissed me, most of me wanted to kiss him back and forgive him, but a part of me knew I shouldn't have.

He should know it's not that easy. I'm not going to act that desperate.

My phone kept buzzing, and I ignored it thinking Dan was texting me. It was actually Chloe.

C: (Y/N) you have to check out dan's newest video. You won't regret it

I got on my laptop and checked his channel. The title was 'Mistakes' and in the thumbnail I saw Dan teary-eyed.

"Hello, Internet. I wanted to make this video to inform you on the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. Hurting (Y/N)." He went on to explain what happened and then came the sappy stuff.

"I just know I should've talked to them before acting like a douche." Tears started running down his cheeks. My index finger caressed the screen where his cheek was, but the video kept going.

"So, (Y/N), if you're watching, I just want to tell you that I love you so much and it breaks my heart knowing I hurt you. I have been broken inside ever since I realized what I did. If you could even remotely forgive me, I would be so, very thankful."

Oh, Dan. I forgive you. I grabbed my jacket and began walking to his house. When the door opened I didn't recognize the person standing before me.

His hair was curly and his eyes were bloodshot. Instead of his usual skinny jeans, Dan was wearing sweatpants. I threw my arms around his neck and began crying into his shoulder. He closed the door shutting out the cold weather.

He carried me over to the couch and wiped my tears away. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry."

I stared into those beautiful brown eyes. He stared back. I kissed him and felt content.

"I love you, Dan. So much."

"Words can't explain how happy I am right now."

I giggled and rested my head on his chest.

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