Mrs. Notonfire

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Our wedding wasn't going to be very extravagant. Harper, Gwen, River, and Chloe would be my bridesmaids, Phil would be Dan's best man, Nyla would be the flower girl, and Ryder would be the ring bearer.

River was doing my makeup as I sat in my chair, dress on and hair finished. The girls got ready before me and made sure I looked perfect.

"Waterproof mascara. We don't need you looking like a raccoon, now do we?" Gwen joked.

"Oh, before I forget." Zoë put the necklace on me.

I looked at myself in the full length mirror. Harper fixed a pin on my hair as I smiled at all of them.

"No, no, no." Chloe said shaking her finger. "Save the tears for your groom."

I giggled and hugged them. Zoë adjusted my outfit one last time and kissed my forehead.

"See you out there, baby sis." She said.

"See ya soon, Princess!" River said while walking out. The rest of the girls waved and left, too.

My Uncle Adam would be giving me away. He walked into the room and we linked arms. I waited at the door, since the wedding was being held outside. The music started and we walked towards the altar.

Once we made it up there, Uncle Adam kissed my cheek and patted Dan's back. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this couple in holy matrimony." The priest began. Most of the ceremony went by in a flash, Dan and I were staring at each other the entire time.

Then came the vows. Dan nervously got the paper out of his pocket and got the mic handed to him. He cleared his throat and started.

"My dear (Y/N), ever since I saw you that fateful day at the store, I couldn't get you out of my head. I still can't to this day. I love you with all of my heart and I will forever. You are the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are my everything. We have had some downs, but many ups. Some rain, but a lot of sunshine. You were there to save me, and I am here to save you, forever. To the love of my life, I promise these vows with all of my heart, soul, and mind."

I started crying, thank goodness for the waterproof mascara. I began to read mine.

"To my wonderful Dan, I'm giving you my love to hold on to forever, on this day. I will love you for the rest of my life, and even after that. I couldn't be happier to be with you. Even when we are smiling on our happiest day, or crying on our saddest day, I will just be grateful for your love and that you are by my side. I promise to you these vows, Daniel, with all of who I am. You are my one and only."

I look up from the paper to see his eyes filled with tears. Many of the guests were almost crying, too.

"Do you, Daniel, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, (Y/N), take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Dan grabbed my torso as our lips connected. Everyone was cheering in the background, but at that moment in time it was just me and him.

At the reception Harper came up and hugged both of us.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Notonfire." She said.

"I like the sound of that." I said giggling.

When I went to throw my bouquet, Chloe caught it. She cheered then winked at Phil, which I thought was hilarious. Zoë came up to us and took both of my hands.

"Mom isn't here right now, but I know that she would be so happy for the both of you."

I nodded thinking back to my mother, who went missing a few years ago. Then she hugged me, hugged Dan, and walked off.

I dragged Dan onto the dance floor and made him dance with me.

"You've gotten better." I said to him after.

"I highly doubt that." He said.

I laughed and hugged him.

"This is our story." He whispered to me.

"And we're still writing it." I whispered back.

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