Words Out

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"(Y/N)! Phil! Wake up!" Dan shouted.

"Huh? What? Oh, good morning Dan." I said rubbing my eyes.

"How long were you guys awake playing the game?"

"Well, we went to sleep at around six o' clock so... a long time." Phil answered.

"And I thought I went to sleep late."

I got up, stretched, and walked into the kitchen to get some cereal. Dan and Phil joined me shortly after. I got ready and started browsing on my laptop. I needed to video chat the girls, Zoë, and Ryder about the news. Phil was in his room so I called Dan over to sit with me.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Hey, Dan!" They greeted us.

"Zoë, is Ryder there?" I asked.

She nodded and called him over. When he saw me on screen he smiled and waved.

"So, I have some news." I kept my voice calm.

"What is it?" Harper asked.

"We aren't going to be able to visit this year..." Dan told them

"What?!" Gwen said.

"Really?" River said.

Ryder looked upset and Zoë rubbed his back.

"...Because you guys are coming here! Dan and I are getting married!" I finished.

The girls and Zoë literally freaked out, while Ryder kept clapping and smiling.

After the chat I sat my laptop down, and layed my head on Dan's shoulder.

"I just can't believe it." I wondered aloud.

A 'hmm?' sound came from Dan, indicating that I continue.

"Back home it was so difficult for me and I wasn't very happy. No one knew. Now, I'm here, and I'm alive. I'm happy and I'm...alive." My voice trailed off. I sat back up, my eyes avoiding Dan's.

"(Y/N), did you ever..."

I nodded and wiped my eyes, but I still couldn't look at him. "It was before I met you, though."

I expected him to be angry with me. Upset that I hadn't told him about that all these years. He was the only person I had told. Instead of walking away or not talking to me, he pulled me into a hug. No words. Just actions.

"I'm doing a live stream soon. Do you want to be in it?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled through my few tears.

It was always hard for me to open up to people, even that small bit. That's why most of my personal past was bottled up inside. It hurt to do that but I managed to do it for most of my life.

We walked to his room and it began. I wiped away my tears and put on my happy face.

"Hello, Internet! I'm here today with my fiancée, (Y/N), to answer your questions and talk about stuff."

I waved to the camera as the comments rolled in.

-fiancée?! omg omg omg!!
-they are such a cute couple!
-when did they get engaged?! Am i missing something?

So many people seemed excited about us getting married. We ended the live stream and Dan kissed my cheek, before he stopped recording.

I stood up and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His chin rested on my shoulder. "I'm always here for you, (Y/N)."

"I know, Hobbit. And I'm very grateful for that."

"I was just making sure."

I kissed him and even now I still got butterflies in my stomach. I stared into his eyes. Those kind brown eyes which stared back.

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