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Dan also attended Uni, just not the same one as me. He went to study law, then decided to drop out. I stayed because that was the sole purpose for me coming to the UK.

We video chatted every night. He's living with Phil, now. Sometimes he would get behind Dan and start making silly faces at the camera. I visited them sometimes, and Dan always said the same thing.

"(Y/N), I don't know how much more I can go on with this long distance relationship." He would joke.

"Daniel this is not long distance. We just don't spend as much time together because I have school."

Chloe and Phil are officially dating, and I couldn't be happier for them. With Chloe's loud, outgoing personality and Phil's kind, shy personality, they make a great couple.

I continued with YouTube, and so did Dan and Phil. Our fanbases grew and I couldn't believe how many subscribers I had!

"(Y/N), do you want to come over and hang out tonight? I haven't seen you in two weeks."

"Sure, Hobbit. I'll be on my way."

When he opened the door I tossed him some Malteasers, which are his favorite. I picked them up on my way there. Phil was out of the house so we went to Dan's room and watched Netflix. I enjoyed spending this quality time with him.

I looked at Dan when the episode ended, he cupped my chin and brought his lips to mine. I turned so that he was laying on the bed and I was on top of him, but we didn't break the kiss. My fingers started playing with his hair as his hands went up and down my back.

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

Out of nowhere (Y/N) stopped kissing me and walked out of the room, with a slight smirk on her face.

"What? I thought I was doing good!" I called out to her. She peeked her head through the doorway.

"Oh, you were. But if you want to continue you have to catch me." She teased.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me." This time (Y/N) was standing fully in the doorway, smiling, with her hands crossed over her chest.

As I started to get up her (e/c) eyes widened and she flew down the hall. I wasn't much of a runner but I had a plan to catch her.

*~~~Your POV~~~*

I knew Dan wasn't going to catch me any time soon, and I had planned to let him after a few more minutes. I was having a lot of fun.

I ran into the bathroom to take a ten second break, but when I walked out, Dan was nowhere to be seen. I was getting scared as I searched the seemingly empty apartment.

"Dan? Where are you?" I shouted, my voice wavering. "Come on this isn't funny anymore."

I felt a pair of arms grab me from behind. A short, shrill scream left my lips. I heard a laugh from the person who grabbed me. Dan's laugh.

"Daniel! You scared me!" I whipped around, still in his embrace.

"Yes, but I also caught you. What was my prize again?"

He knew well enough what is was. I rolled my eyes and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I have to get going now but I'll see you another time. Okay?"

"Okay. Bye."

I left their apartment and went back to my dorm room. I really did miss those small moments with my boyfriend, but I had to focus on my studies.

My roommate was out, probably partying, which was normal for her. My sister called me, in tears.

"Zoë! It's alright, stop crying. What's the matter?"

It took her a few deep breaths but she managed to get the story out.

"It's mom! She's gone!"

"Gone! What do you mean gone?!"

"She was acting.....different for a while. And Ryder woke up one morning and she was gone! He called me but we couldn't find any clues to where she could be. We thought she would be back after a few days, but it's been a week."

"Are the police searching for her?"

"Yes, but you have to come back home. Dad is becoming a drug addict and Ryder... Ryder..." She started crying again. "Please, please, (Y/N)."

"Okay, I'm coming. Don't worry, Zoë."

I felt like crying too but I had to stay calm in this situation. Especially when my older sister wasn't. And to think of what could be happening to my baby brother. He was only 10.

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