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I watched most of Dan's videos and saw that he was still awkward and cute in his videos just like in real life. Am I falling for him? No, he probably just likes me as a friend.

I woke up the next morning remembering I wasn't back home. I brushed through my tangled hair, and went to have breakfast. I decided on a bowl of cereal.

"(Y/N)!" Nyla called. I spun her around. I hadn't seen her since her parents wedding, which was 3 years ago. After a bit of fooling around and a visit from the Tickle Monster, I got ready.

I always tried to look cool in my videos, they were going on the internet after all, so I put on a (favorite band) t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and white converse. Not much makeup, I keep it simple.

Assuming the videos would be at Dan's house, around noon I grabbed my laptop, phone, bag, and headed next door.

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

I woke up surprisingly early and looked at few of (Y/N)'s videos. I fell in love with her quirky, cute, confident personality. She doesn't like me. Why would she?

After a bit of pep talk, I ate, showered, and got dressed. Forgetting to do my hair. I was on my laptop when the doorbell rang. I opened it to a smiling (Y/N). I widened it gesturing her in.

"Follow me." I said heading to my room. She walked in, studied me and ruffled my hair. I looked in a mirror and groaned. She giggled. "I like it. You look cute." Then, realizing what she said looked nervously at the floor.

"I don't. I look like a fricking hobbit." I never liked my natural hair. She wasn't giving up "A cute hobbit." She said more confidently. "Can we do the videos like this?" I shook my head. She gave me her best puppy face.

"Fine. But only the video for your channel." I gave in. She grinned up at me. Anything to keep that grin on her face.

*~~~Your POV~~~*

Dan looked undeniably adorable with curly hair. Was he embarrassed when I called him cute? Why did I do that?

We played a "This or That" game on my channel, with help from the Internet. I loved hearing his laugh and glad I got to know him better. A few times during the game I played with his hair just to tease him.

After filming that, he got out his straightener and did his hair. I frowned when he finished. "Hey, a deal is a deal." He kept saying. We did a simple Q&A. It turns out he asked the viewers last night for questions.

We hung out in his room editing together. I got a notification, my friends were video chatting. I decided to join.

Before I could speak River said, "Wait, that doesn't look like your room, (Y/N). Where are you? Are being kidnapped and you need us to save you?! Don't worry I'm about to get tickets for the plane!" I kept trying to get her attention. "RIVER! I'm fine. I'm at a friends house." Dan scooted next to you and waved to them.

"Oooh. So this is Dan." Gwen said wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. "Yes. We did a collab so check it out later!" They promised to. We all talked and joked around a bit. "I approve." Harper said out of nowhere. Everyone was confused. "I approve of you, Dan. But just know, if you hurt my (nickname) I will not hesitate to go over there and you will be on fire! Literally!"

With every word she got closer to the screen and Dan backed up. He genuinely looked scared. "Harper! We're not even dating!" I reassured her. She calmed down. "We have to go. Lots of editing to do! Bye!" They said bye and as I was about leave Gwen shouted, "Dan and (Y/N) sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" and they all laughed. I closed my laptop and turned to Dan.

"Sorry about Gwen...and Harper...and River." He chuckled. "Don't worry. They're funny. Well, Harper did kind of scare me." We both laughed. "You'll be going to the school here, right?" I nodded. He smiled. It looked like he was relieved.

"Well, I better get going! Bye, Dan!" I stood up to get my things and he walked me to the door. I turned around to hug him. I mean, we're friends right? His cheeks were pink when I let go of him. I waved when I got to my door and he waved back.

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