The Ship has Sailed

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Dan and I made up, I absolutely hated being mad at him. In class, sometimes I would catch him glancing at me. I always smiled and waved. Phil also got back on good terms with him.

We were finishing up some homework in Dan's room when he started acting awkward. Well, more awkward than usual.

"Dan? Are you alright?" I laughed.

"Oh, um, yeah. I just..." He took a deep breath. "Okay. (Y/N), I was wondering if you wanted to make (shipname) official and be my girlfriend?"

He pulled a box out of his pocket and handed it to me. It contained a heart necklace, with our initials on it.

"Of course I will, Daniel. And this necklace is beautiful!"

He assisted me in putting it on. I kissed my boyfriend's cheek. It felt good to call him that. My boyfriend.

At school we were inseparable. I guess because Dan didn't want Olivia to do anything to me again. He even tried to get his schedule changed but was denied.

"I can handle myself, Hobbit." I joked. "Chloe will be with me, too."

I let go of his hand and almost walked into class.

"Wait, if anything happens, just text me and I'll meet you outside, okay?"

"Alright. But I'll be fine, Daniel." He kissed my cheek and left.

A group of girls came up to me when I walked in.

"He cares about you so much." A blonde said.

"It's adorable!" Said a girl with glasses.

"I wish I had a boyfriend like that." The third said.

I went to sit next to Chloe and thought to myself. I am really lucky to have Dan. As soon as we got out of the two classes, there he was back at my side. The same girls were giggling when they saw us.

"What's that about?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. They just think we're a cute couple."

"Well, in that case, I agree with them." He put his arm around me.

Olivia glared at us but I just flipped her off. Once I got home my twitter notifications were blowing up with things about Dan and I dating. Gwen.

There was barely a moment we were apart, so I heard Dan getting notified, too. I would answer the rumors in my next YouTube video.

"It's odd, really." Dan wondered aloud.

"What's odd?"

"As you know, I don't usually like to socialize. Especially with strangers. Which is what you were when I first met you. A part of my mind kept saying 'You should talk to her. Don't be antisocial this time.' And I'm glad I did. I'm now dating her and she makes me the happiest I've ever been." He kissed my nose.

"I'm glad you did, too. I would've never imagined I could be this happy back home."

We spent the rest of our time talking about random sh¡t, and Dan lied his head on my lap. I was playing with his hair when I realized the time.

"I wanna stay here. With you." He whined. I shook my head.

"Sorry, Hobbit. We have school tomorrow. But how about if I meet you at your house for breakfast."

He nodded and got his things. I gave him a quick kiss and he left. I sat on my bed and searched Tumblr before I went to sleep. Not for anything in particular, just lazy scrolling.

A few of my followers had made cute edits of Dan and I. They were so sweet. I tagged Dan in some of them so he could see.Take that, Olivia.

I was over what she did to me last year, I had so many more things to be happy about. Over and over on my twitter feed everything was "The ship has sailed!!!"

Yes, the ship has sailed.

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