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It's been a bit more than a year since I left America. Last year I visited my family for the winter holidays, but this year I was staying in England.

After school Dan was late, so I took that opportunity to talk to Phil about a surprise I had for Dan...

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

I saw (Y/N) and Phil sitting on a bench outside so I decided to sneak up on them.

"Does Dan know?" (Y/N) asked. I stopped in my tracks.

"Not a clue." Phil answered.

"Great. Thank you so much. I love you, Phil!" She hugged him.

"(Y/N)? Phil?" I said in nearly a whisper. They turned.

"How much did you hear?" He asked nervously.

"I heard enough." My voice was cold as ice.

"Well, it was going to be a surprise, but since you know...Surprise!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

"How could you? I thought you cared about me?" I tried to stop my voice from cracking.

"Of course we do, Dan. What are you talking about?" She looked hurt.

"Save it! Just stay out of my life!" I stormed back into the school. I had no reason to get mad, (Y/N) and I weren't dating. But Phil knew I liked her and I thought she felt the same.

I saw Olivia on her phone and I acted before I thought. I pushed her against the wall and slammed my lips into hers. Her arms went around my neck and I heard sniffling.

I let go of her and (Y/N) was standing right there. "Daniel. James. Howell. What the hell?!" She broke into tears and ran out.

Olivia checked her phone and said, "I have to leave, but we should do that again." She pecked my cheek and left.

Phil walked up and practically yelled at me, "Dan! What was that for?! You broke (Y/N)'s heart!"

"Well now she knows how it feels. You guys could've told me you were dating!" My anger burned.

"Are you serious? You thought we were dating? (Y/N) only has eyes for you!"

"Then what was that whole conversation about?" I started regretting my outburst.

"I picked up a surprise Christmas present that (Y/N) got for you and she wanted to know if you found out. After I said no, she was so happy she said 'I love you, Phil!' and hugged me." He took off his backpack and threw a box on the floor. It was covered in festive wrapping.

"I need to go apologize..." I muttered. "No duh!" Phil shouted and walked away. I picked up the box and unwrapped it.

A new camera. This must've cost a lot of money. She probably hates me. There was also a note on it.

'Dear Dan,
Now you can film videos on a professional camera! I hope you like it! Merry Christmas, my cute little hobbit!

I put it in my backpack and raced home.

*~~~Your POV~~~*

That jerk! And with Olivia, too! I needed cheering up, so I video chatted the girls. They answered at once.

"(Y/N)! What happened?" River asked sympathetically.

"Aww, our poor (nickname)! You can talk to us." Gwen said.

"Was it Dan?! Because I warned him!!" Harper shouted, cracking her knuckles.

I nodded wiping my eyes. I explained what happened and felt relieved. I needed to get it off my chest.

By the end of our chat, I felt better. I knew I could count on my girls. I fell asleep totally forgetting my problems.

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