Geeks at Heart

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I woke up the next morning to Dan on his laptop. I peeked over his shoulder to get a glimpse. "What's that?" He was startled and closed it. "Oh it's um a nothing." He's keeping secrets from me. Woo-hoo. I picked up my bag and got ready in the bathroom trying to guess what it could've been.

*~~~Dan's POV~~~*

I woke up before (Y/N) and thought about what we could do today. I wanted to surprise her though. Website after website, I couldn't find anything.

Woah. This is perfect! J.K. Rowling was doing a book signing at the bookstore! (Y/N) and I both love the Harry Potter series, and she would be so excited to meet the author!

I felt her hand on my shoulder. She's awake! "What's that?" I closed my laptop quickly. "Oh it's um a nothing." Great, now she's suspicious. (Y/N) frowned slightly, then went to get ready. I hope she's not mad.

After that I got ready, too, and tried to figure out what to say to her. She was sitting in the kitchen, still upset, as I approached her.

"So, (Y/N). I was wondering if you wanted to maybe walk around town today? You know kind of like a tour." I wasn't really lying, but I wasn't telling the whole truth.

She nodded. "Oh, I need to get my purse." "I'll get it!" I said quickly and ran upstairs. Good, I can slip my copy of the first book in there. I knew it was her favorite.

I handed it to her and opened the door. "There's a bookstore here, too. Just if you wanted to check it out." (Y/N) agreed.

The signing had started already, but we got there at a good time. "Oh my goodness." She clasped her hand over her mouth. "It's J.K. Rowling! Daniel did you..." She turned to me. I nodded and grinned.

(Y/N) threw her arms around my neck. "Thank you! But, I don't have a book for her to sign..." I pointed to her bag and she opened it. "But, I, what?"

I laughed. "That's my copy. You can keep it." Her face lit up and she hugged me again. People were looking at us. I heard whispers of "They're so cute." and "Now that's love."

"I'm such a geek." She giggled after leaving the bookstore. "We both are." I said.

*~~~Your POV~~~*

I should've trusted Dan. I'm glad he took me to meet my favorite author. We went to my house, finding it empty. Still in the hospital. At least she's alright.

We hung out in my room, and I showed Dan my secret stash of snacks. Which he ate most of.

I heard a car pull into the driveway, and we rushed to the window. "They're back!" I shouted. Dan and I flew down the stairs and greeted them at the door. Nyla had to get a cast on her leg, which I guess I didn't notice at the hospital. She seemed in good spirits.

Dan and I spent most of the day on tumblr, which is normal. It got dark outside and I faced him. "I guess I'll be staying at my house tonight." I remembered the nights I spent with Dan.

"I guess so. If you ever need anything, just know you can always come to me." We hugged and he left to his house.

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