Nosy Friends and Flirty Waiters

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*~~~Your POV~~~*

I woke up in Dan's bedroom, and sudddenly remembered the events of yesterday. Nyla, staying at the Howell's, watching a movie with Dan, and, I vaguely remembered a soft pair of lips touch my forehead, and Dan's voice saying, "Don't worry, princess. I'll never leave you." Does me? Or, could I have been dreaming?

I was going to get up but remembered where I was and decided to lay with him for a bit. I felt safe. Safe in his arms.

He woke up a few minutes later and smiled at me. I nuzzled into his chest and he hugged me tighter. "I just. I just. I." I said. My mind was jumbled up. "What is it?" Dan sounded concerned.

"I just keep thinking how I should've been there for Nyla. I could've pulled her back or at least been there with her..." He looked me straight in the eye. "Don't you ever say that, (Y/N)!! I don't know what I would've done if you got hit, too! I wouldn't be able to live with myself! I need to protect you!" And with that he pulled me into another hug.

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Dan." I grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom. I showered off the pain and thought about last night. Did he really say that? It couldn't have been my imagination. It felt too real.

While Dan was geting ready I texted my friends about yesterday. First about Nyla, then about Dan. River almost had a fricking heart attack, while Harper and Gwen kept asking if anything else went on.

R: you slept with him?!
Me: we didn't make out or anything! I just fell asleep.
G: sure....
G: jk jk
H: aww (Y/N) is all grown up
H: but i swear if he breaks ur heart
Me: bye gtg

Dan walked in and sat next to me. "What should we do today?" He asked. I shrugged. "Actually I'm kinda hungry." His face lit up. "I know a good place." Before I knew it we were out the door and on the street.

We walked into the diner and ordered our food. One of the waiters kept winking at me and tried flirting whenever he got the chance. I was getting sick of it. So was Dan.

He sat next to me in our booth since Dan was sitting across. "Hey, there. How about I get you something on the house. My number." He was about to touch my hair when Dan had had enough. "Lay off her, mate." He stood up facing the waiter.

"Why? Is she your girlfriend?" He taunted. Dan was furious. "Well she definitely isn't yours!" The waiter sniffed a lock off my hair and I was getting uncomfortable. "And what are you going to do about that." He walked over with his fists clenched. "This!" Dan punched him square in the jaw.

I pushed him off me and ran over to Dan and grabbed his hand. We took our food to go and I stepped on the waiters foot on purpose. We ate at my house.

"Thank you, Dan. I was getting annoyed by him." I hugged my protecter. "I wasn't going to let that creep off with out a warning of what would happen if he touched you again." I smiled to myself and layed my head on his shoulder. He had caused a scene but it was worth it.

He checked his phone. "Sh*t! I have to make a video! Want to be in it?" I nodded and we headed to his house. It was going to be a Truth or Dare video.

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