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I started packing the next morning not caring about school. Calling Dan would be a good idea. He would be worried sick.

"Hey, (Y/N). What's up?"

"So, Daniel. Something kinda, um, came up and I, uh, have to go back to America for a bit."

He sensed something was up.

"What's going on? If you're just dropping school to go back something bad is happening."

I couldn't keep secrets from him. We trusted each other and I didn't want to break that trust.

"Lots of things are going on. I can't explain right now but I just called to tell you I was leaving. I'll be back before you know it."

"When is the flight?"

"Dan, you should just sta-" He cut me off.

"Do you actually think I'm letting you go alone? When is the flight?"

*~~~TIME SKIP~~~*

Zoë picked us up at the airport. She hugged me tightly and shed a few tears. I had always looked up to my sister when we were younger, and I still do. Seeing my role model in tears was something I never thought I'd see.

She dropped us off at my old home. I asked why she wasn't coming.

"I can't go in there. I tried to save him. I really did." She leaned her head on the steering wheel, locks of hair covering her face. I could tell she was crying.

"It's alright. Dan, why don't you stay, too. I want to speak with them alone."

He knew better than to argue with me because he climbed back into the car with Zoë. I walked up to the door, taking deep breaths. I knocked and it took a few seconds for it to be answered.

The little boy at the door was covered with bruises and cuts. He had messy hair and stared at me in shock. I wouldn't have recognized him if it weren't for those big, round, moon eyes. Same color as mine.

"(Y/N)? Is it really you?" He said in a whisper. He acted as he had seen a ghost. Or an angel.

"It's me, Ryder." I then dropped to my knees and hugged him. I started crying and so did he.

I wiped the tears from his cheeks and cupped his face in my hands. The young boy who was once full of joy and laughter, was now being abused.

"You can come in. Dad isn't home yet." He took my hand, leading me inside. I sat on the couch with Ryder sitting so close, he was practically sitting on my lap.

"Did he do this to you?" I never would've thought my kind, protecting father would ever act this way.

"After mom left, he started coming home less and less. But whenever he did, he would make up an excuse to hit me. Zoë tried to take me away from him once, but he threatened to kill her. He had a knife and... and..." I hugged him and smoothed down his hair.

"It's alright, little bro. You're safe now. Get a few of your things and we'll-"

"You'll do nothing!" A voice shouted at me. I looked up and saw my dad, also in bad condition. He must've gotten in through the back door. "You have no right to take him from me!"

He stomped towards us, the smell of alcohol getting stronger with every step. I put my arm protectively in front of Ryder.

"Look at what you're doing to him! I have every right to take him from you!" I screamed. "Just because mom left doesn't mean you can take everything out on your son!"

"What are you doing here anyway?! Shouldn't you be in Europe with that stupid boyfriend of yours?!"

"He is not stupid! And I'm here to save my brother, you bastard!"

He froze and I knew what was coming.

"What did you call me?"

"I-I j-just"

He raised his hand and my cheek stung. He slapped me. I turned to Ryder afraid for his safety.

"Go outside. Zoë and Dan are waiting in the car. Tell them to just drive and that I'll be fine. Go!"

He ran out the door as I held off my dad.

"Can't you see what you're doing, Dad? This family is breaking apart and you're not helping it!"

He looked around the room frantically. Searching for something to hit me with, I'm guessing. Then Dan ran inside. He took in the scene quickly.

"What are you doing?! Get out!" I screamed at him. He ran to me.

"No! I told Zoë to go with Ryder. I'm not leaving you here!"

"Well isn't that sweet." My dad snarled. His hands were clenched into fists. He was about to punch Dan, but I pushed him out of the way and took his place.

The pain was excruciating. Blood gushed from my nose. Dan's eyes widened at the scene before him. He stood up, picked up a vase that was on the coffee table, and smashed it over his head.

My dad fell to the floor. Dan grabbed my hand and we escaped.

"(Y/N) why didn't you tell me this was going on?"

"I didn't need you to worry about me."

"Worrying about you is my job. You're my girlfriend."

I chuckled at his attempt to make me feel better. We ended up walking to the mall and I decided to call Zoë to pick us up from there. We were wandering through stores when I noticed a familiar blonde ponytail.


"(Y/N)?" She squealed and hugged me. "And Dan? What are you two doing here? Never mind that, I need to tell the girls!"

She took out her phone and called them. "Yeah, meet me at the front of the store. I have a surprise!"

When Harper and Gwen saw me, they almost shattered everyone's eardrums.

"(Y/N)! I can't believe you're actually here!" Harper exclaimed.

"It's been years!" Gwen said.

"Me either. It's great to see you again."

A/N: Woah. That was 1,000 words. Well, now it isn't because I'm writing this note. Anyway, you met up with your old friends and saved your brother. Mixed emotions in this chapter.

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