Dare Me

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Dan already knew he was doing a Truth or Dare video but he wanted to included me, since it would be boring alone. "Hello Internet! I am here with (Y/N) to play another game! I asked you guys truths and dares on twitter and here they are!"

There were some truths like your most embarrassing moment, and some dares like eating with no hands. Dan and I both picked tweets at random. He scrolled with his eyes shut and landed on one. "Okay, this one is from Gwennie-Pennie." Oh no. That's Gwen's username. I knew what was coming next. "Her tweet says, I dare you to just kiss already! We know you like each other! #(shipname)."

We both laughed. There were tons of comments agreeing. I looked over at Dan and he was already looking at me. He cupped my chin, leaned towards me, and kissed me! His lips were soft and entrancing. We moved in sync and broke apart for air. I looked at him and I knew how he felt. He did like me.

"Well, that's all for today! If you want to see (Y/N)'s channel just click her pretty face and subscribe! Oh, and there was a certain waiter I had to put in place at the diner so if he's watching this I would like to tell him." Dan flipped off the camera. "Bye, guys!" He stopped recording.

I burst out laughing. "What if he was watching?! That would be hilarious!" He stared at me lovingly as I gave him another kiss on the cheek, "This was really fun, Dan. Thanks." He hugged me and I just enjoyed that peaceful moment.

"Hey, do you know where the hospital is? I want to go visit Nyla." "Yeah. Come on, I'll join you." I was perfectly capable of going by myself. "I'm fine, Dan. You need to work on the video." He shook his head. "There's nothing to really edit. I'll just upload it like that. And remember? I said I would always protect you, (Y/N)." I grabbed my phone and Dan clicked "upload" before we left.

I intertwined my fingers with his as he hailed a taxi to go to the hospital. We wanted to get Nyla something to cheer her up, so we got a balloon and stuffed rabbit. We walked to the front desk. "Nyla Evans?"

"Family or friends?" She asked typing away at the keyboard.

"Family." She directed us to a room down the hall and we walked in. "Hi!" I said entering with Dan. Nyla turned to us and she smiled.

"(Y/N)! DANNY!" Her arms were wide open asking for hugs. I placed the balloon and rabbit on the nearest table and Dan and I gave her a group hug.

She tightly clung to her new toy. "I love it!" She exclaimed over and over. We sat on chairs next to her as Dan held my hand. I'm so glad she's okay. Nyla fell asleep slowly. I watched her rest. What I didn't know, is that Dan was watching me.

A nurse came in and told us we could visit tomorrow, so we headed back. My aunt and uncle would still be at the hospital so I would've been home alone.

"Uh, Dan?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah?" He said, charging his laptop. "Do you think I could, um, stay here again?" I was nervous for his answer.

"Of course, (Y/N)." He put is arm around me and I layed my head on his shoulder. Then I got a text.

G: oh my gosh (Y/N)! I said kiss him not make out with him!
R: it was so cute!!!

Dan read the texts, too and we both laughed. "Your friends are something else." "And that's why I love them." It turns out Harper told my sister, Zoë, about the video because I got a call from her a few minutes after.

"(Y/N)!!! YOU MADE OUT WITH A BOY!!!" She screamed excitedly.

"And soon I'm going to be deaf, too! Shut up, Zoë!" I was worried Dan heard her. "Put that Dan kid on the phone." "What are you gonna say to him?" I didn't want her to scare him off.

"Nothing...." I groaned at her answer. "You speak to him another, time. Bye, sis." I hung up before she could say anything else. It was getting late, so Dan and I changed into our pajamas, separately of course. I tossed my phone across his bed and flopped down.

"What's the matter?" He questioned hanging over me. I shook my head and said, "Sisters." He chuckled at that and layed down beside me. I snuggled against him, feeling his presence comforting.

Dan was like my best friend. We had bonded over similar interests and personalities. We hadn't known each other as long as I knew the girls, but I had a connection with him. I felt like he would always be there for me. I needed that sense of security, I didn't have that anywhere else.

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