Chapter Thirteen

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I had to cancel my time with Ash so, we moved it to today.

Also, the twins came home today. They were completely healthy and were ready to, so the doctor sent them home.

I've been walking around with them and singing to them all day. I think Ainsley likes it more because he actually opens his eyes and looks at me.

I was humming him my new song when there was a knock at the door.

I went to the door and opened it.

"Meet Ash- What the fuck are you doing here?" Jack was standing there looking hot as usual.

"Oh my god. You dyed your hair. And got another tattoo..." He said letting his eyes wonder over me.

"Yeah? So?" I asked.

"Wait, who's baby are you holding?" He asked, confused.

"This is my baby brother. What do you want?" I asked.

"Well, I heard you were home, so, I came to see you..." He said taking a step forward.

"Oh, hell no. Jack, you were the one that walked out of my life. And I am not letting you back in. Now leave. We're expecting company." I said.

"Please, Annie. If not today, before you leave again..." he pleaded.

"I'll think about it." I said.

Then I slammed the door in his face as he took another step forward, locking the door for good measure.

Alex, who had come back from Melbourne once he found out the babies were born, was sitting in the living room.

"Did you get the door?" He asked.

"Yeah. It was fucking Jack!" I said.

"Are you serious?! Did that asshole leave?" He said getting up.

"No, Ali, just sit down. Don't do anything." I said putting a hand on his chest.

"Annie..." he sighed.

"Just don't." I said.

And then Ainsley started crying.

"Awe, 'Sley! Don't cry!" I said bouncing him.

"Is he okay? Is everything okay?" Lily asked from upstairs.

I walked over to the stairs.

"I thought you were resting?" I asked.

"I was until I heard one of my children screaming." She said.

"He was not screaming. Look, he's already not crying anymore." I said.

"I know. Do you want me to take him?" She asked.

"Well, Luke and Ash are coming over in a bit to meet if you want them to sleep until then, then sure." I said.

"Okay. Bring him here." She said.


"Ash!" I said when he and Luke got out of Ash's car.

I ran down off the porch and jumped up on him. He caught me and I wrapped my legs

around his waist.

"Hey babe." He chuckled into my hair.

I let go of his neck and looked at him.

"Hi Ash." I laughed.

"Wow. I didn't get that kind of hello when I came over the other day." Luke said.

"Luke, it had barely been a full two days. I've seen Ashy since we came home." I said still in his arms.

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