Chapter 21

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I raced back down the stairs, my sister right on my heels. This is the first time we had heard from Jace in 9 months, and the message we got was addressed from him AND Clary!

We slowed down and I led Izzy into the library, where Magnus was waiting by the fireplace, examining the letter.

"Isabelle, it's a fire message, from Jace AND Clary. We thought that you should read it."

She took the letter with shakey hands, and looked at the front of the envelope.

"It's... Got an address, to a house in Poitou, France. That must be where Clary went to."

An address. A specific place where we could go to find them. Whatever the letter said, we could go to them now, instead of sitting here in the dark, not knowing anything.

Izzy carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper that had been folded up. She unfolded it and began to read:

Dear Magnus, Alec, Isabelle, and Simon,

You guys can't believe how much I missed you. I know you will probably be angry or upset with me for leaving, but after everything that has happened since I've arrived in France, I needed to come here. So much has changed! I've made a home here.

Jace is with me, he showed up about 3 months ago, safe. We have fixed the broken pieces of our relationship, and they are stronger than ever.

We would like you to come visit us in France, so that we can explain what has happened since we left. Also, we want you to join us to celebrate a birthday with us, one that is extremely important to Jace and I. The birthday party is on April 15 of this year, but you are welcome to come stay with us for a few days before.

                                                                   Love, Clary

p.s. I know about my mother. Please don't tell her you are leaving to come see me, I don't really want to speak to her. 

Hey guys,                                                                                                                                                                                              

I know you are probably pissed that I haven't written you but France has kinda been a lot to take in. Clary said pretty much everything in her note. The two of us have grown very close and we are kinda like a little family. I moved in with Clary. I really need you guys to come down for the birthday, it's really special. You should come down 2-3 days early.


Izzy looked back up at us, shocked.

Magnus spoke up. "Well, this is a lot to process. We know that both of them are safe. Clary seems to be happy about living in France..."

"She called it home. How could she do that when New York will always be her home?!", Isabelle said.

"Well, she's been there for two years. It probably does feel like home to her. She seemed -older- somehow, more mature. I'm just glad that her and Jace are together again. I'm a little confused about the family part though.", I said.

Magnus nodded. "That's a good point, Alexander. Whose birthday are we celebrating? It's not Jace's or Clary's."

Izzy shrugged. "I guess we'll figure that out when we get there. It's the end of March now. The party's April 15th, so I think we should go on the 10th or 11th."

"I vote 11th.", said Magnus.

"Fine with me.", I said.

"Great!", said Iz. "I'm going to tell Simon, and start packing."

I walked upstairs to my room, worried about seeing Clary. We were going for answers, but what if they aren't the answers we want to hear...

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