Chapter 17

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Later that night, after Jace and I put Will and Josie to bed, Jace goes to take a shower. While he's in there, I sit down and start thinking about today. Ever since Jace had gotten here, things has just seemed a little brighters. He had helped me take care of the babies all day. He seemed really nervous, but he made a huge effort to try and be a good father, The kids seemed to love him, especially Josie, who was becoming a little attached. 

Once he was out of the shower, we sat down on the couch to talk, adult to adult. 

"So, where are Simon, Izzy, Alec, and Magnus? I would have though that they would have come with you.", I say. 

"I made them stay in Brooklyn. I wanted to go on my own, since it was my fault that you left. I told them that I would message them since I left, but I haven't talked to them in the past six months.", he says, and my heart melts just a little bit. 

"Does my mom know? About where I am, I mean? I'm worried that she will be pissed that I just left." Even though my mom and I aren't on the best terms, I'm still concerned. 

Jace replies, "Actually, when Magnus found the spell, Simon called Jocelyn to tell her about it, and well..." He hesitates to say the next part. 

"Yeah...", I prompt. 

"Well, she said that she didn't care. That you weren't her problem anymore." 

"She didn't make a single effort to find me?"


Anger and neglect fill me. How could she not care, and just leave me like that? I could never do that to Will or Josie. I decide just to move on and deal with it later.

"So, were you planning on staying, Jace? Or did you want to go back to New York?, I ask, scared for the answer. 

"I don't care where we go, as long as I'm with you. I never want to lose you again.", he says, and I melt a little more. 

"Where do you want to go?", he asks. 

"I don't know.", I answer. "I haven't really thought about it yet. I miss everyone, but I've made a life for myself here. I'm not sure that I'm ready to leave it yet, or go back to Brooklyn." 

"All I know is that I want to stay with you, and the babies.", Jace says, grabbing my hand. It feels good, like a puzzle piece snapping into place. The feeling sparks an idea in me, about whether we stay or go. I decide to pitch it to jace, not sure about what we will think. 

"Maybe we could stay here for a few months and then invite everyone to come here for the babies first birthday, then if we are ready, we can go back to New York. I want Josie and WIll to be at least a year old before we move."

Jace smiles. "I like that plan. We stay here and build a family, then we can go back, once we are both ready."

Family. I like that.

Then Jace speaks again. "You know, not that I think about it, I don't actually know when the babies' birthday is, and how hold they are."

I laugh. "They were born on April 15, and they are almost 7 months old now."

"Well then, now I know." 

"Oh my gosh, it's already eleven o'clock!", I exclaim, looking at the clock. "I'm going to bed." 

I stand up, and Jace stands with me. 

"And where do I sleep?", he asks. 

I point to the couch and say, "Right here."

He looks a little disappointed, but I just wasn't ready yet. 

Then he looks into my eyes and whispers, "Well then, good night.", and kisses me softly. I smile against his lips and whisper to him, "God, I missed you." 

With that I walk to my bedroom and turn off the lights. 

Right before I fall asleep, I smile, still thinking about that one word.


Heyyy! I know, so cute! So, I want to give this a real title, but everytime I try to come up with one, I go braindead. So, I would really appreciate it if you could give me some title suggestions, I would really appreciate it! I will dedicate a chapter to you if I choose yours.  Thanks so much for reading! Comment to tell me your thoughts (and title suggestions)! Luvs ~Abby

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