Chapter 5

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CLARY'S POV (AN: This is really one of the very few chapters in which things get closer to a PG-13 rating, but it's really not very bad. Like, at all. ;) Okay now continue reading)

I woke up to an awful pain in my stomach. 

I thought to myself, "Maybe it's finally my period. It's getting to be really late."

I shuffled drearily into the bathroom, and was suddenly hit with a wave of nausea. I leaned over the toilet and throw up what little food was left in me.

Once done, I sat on the floor in the bathroom trying to figure out what made me sick. 

Finally, a thought occured to me. My period was late, and now morning sickness...

But no, it couldn't be. I had only had it once with Jace. There was only one way to find out for sure.

I quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I raced down the stairs, nearly slamming into Theo. I quickly asked him where Valerie was, and upon hearing that she was in the kitchen, jogged there.

"Valerie, is there a convenience store near here? I forgot a couple of essentials in my, um, hurry to leave.", I asked hurriedly.

"Oui!", she replied. "There is one about a twenty minute walk from here. At the end oof the driveway, take a left and follow the road into town. There is a very small Walgreens."

"Wait, there are Walgreens in France?", was my brilliant comment. 

Valerie giggles. "Only a few. Are you going to leave now?", she asked.

"Um, yeah. I really need to get something. Actually, do you have a bicycle I could ride?"


I rode the bicycle into the small town. I was suddenly hit with a pang of homesickness as I realized how different this was from Brooklyn

I walked through the small Walgreens, looking for what I needed. When I found it, I took it straight to the checkout. The lady there gave me a strange look, but I just pretended not to see it. 

The second I got back to the Institute, I went into the small bathroom connected to my room. 

Just to be sure, I took three tests. All three were positive.

"Great!", I thought, sarcastically. "I'm pregnant. With Jace's child."

Once the initial shock had settled, I walked around the Institute, looking for a place to think. Eventually I came across the library.

When I poked my head in, I gasped. It was magnificent, almost like the libraary in Beauty and the Beast! 

That reminded me of spending days with Jace, snuggled up on the couch watching Disney movies. I smiled sadly to myself about how much I missed him, then remembered my recent discovery. 

I walked through the library, eventually finding a window seat hidden in the bookshelves. I doubted that anyone would look for me here. I sat down and gazed out of the window, thinking. 

"How could this have happened? Should I tell Jace? What would he think? Do I need to go back to New York?"

Finally, the real question was uncovered. 

"What am I going to do?""

I decided that I was just going to take this as it comes. Find a doctor, and keep moving forwards.

See, I told you it wasn't bad!!!! I am actually finishing this before school, so I'm exausted. I don't know how often I will be updating in the next few days, I am getting ready to be really busy, but I will do the best that I can. I am also working on putting 2 new fanfics up (a Clace one and a Percabeth one)!!! Anyways, thank you soo much for reading! Luv ya, byeeeeee! <3

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