Chapter 10

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**** 3 MONTHS LATER****


"Jace! Alec! Everyone else! Come into the library!", I hear Magnus scream from the other end of the Institute. 

I jog to the library, wiping the sweat off of my face and neck as I go. I'd been training nonstop lately, trying to pass the time and prepare for going after Clary. 

I enter the library to find Magnus grinning inside of a huge cloud of smoke. Everyone else is already inside. 

"Okay so the potion is finally done. I have to drink it, then read this spell out loud. I'm not exactly sure what will happen, just don't disturb me until it is obvious the magic is done working."

Everyone nods apprehensively.

"Magnus...", Alec starts out. "Be carefull..."

I rolled my eyes. As always, he's worrying and trying to protect his boyfriend. 

Magnus spooned up a large amount of the goo that is supposed to be Magnus' "fantasical magic potion!" He drinks it, then starts to say the incantation. I don't recognize the language and make no attempt to try and understand him. As long as he finds Clary. 

The second he finished, he shuddered, then collapsed. Alec jumped forward, but I grabbed him and pulled him back. 

"Magnus said not to disturb him!", I said. 

He laid there twitching for the next five minutes, then suddenly, his eyes popped wide open. Alec went to sit by him and make sure that he was okay. 

Magnus turned and looked straight at me and says, "France. She's in France. I don't know where or how. But that is where she is."

I ran and grabbed a map of France. Izzy is close behind me. 

"She is most likelyy near an Institute, I would think that she would go for what is most like home, so big cities like New York.", she said. 

"Izzy, there are 12 Institutes there!" 

"Well I'm telling you, she's not stupid. She will be in an Institute."

"So... then if I just go and visit all of the Institutes in France, starting with the ones in big cites...", I said, getting excited. 

"You should find her.", said Alec, walking up behind me. 

"I'm leaving tonight. I'll take a portal to the Paris Institute, the hop from Institute to Institure." I said, already leaving to go to my room to pack a bag. 

"Wait!", Simon cried. "What about us? Aren't we going with you?"

"No.", I said, probably a little too forcefully. "It was my mistake that chased her away, my fault. I have to go on this mission alone."

And with that, I went to my room, packing some clothes, weapons and other necessities that I could need. I was so. I missed Clary more that anything, and she was closer to my reach that ever before. 

Hayyyyy! Wassup?! There is nothing up with me, thanks for asking! Next chapter has CLACE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oops spoiler alert!) Anyways, thanks so much for reading! Comment to tell me what ya think! Luv ya ~Abby <3

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