Chapter 15

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I walk to the door slowly, hoping that the bell hadn't woken up any of the kids. Satisfied that they were both still asleep, I opened the door, curious as to who would come to my house. Maybe Valerie or someone else from the Institute, I guess.

The thoughts and maybe my heart stop short when I see who it is. Blond hair. Gold eyes.

And then he whispers, "Clary..."

"Jace...", I say, breathless from shock. "What are doing here?"

"I've been searching for you, ever since you left a year and a half ago."

"Jace...", I start, but I'm cut short by the sound of Jocelyn crying. Crap. I need to go get her before she wakes up William.

"That goddam doorbell!", I say to myself. Then to Jace, rushed, "I'm sorry. I will be right back, if you would like to take a seat in the living room."

He nods, obviously concerned, and curious.

I rush off to the the nursery. Josie is standing in her crib, wailing. I pick her up and quickly get her to stop. She calms down quickly thanks to her shadowhunter blood.

I take a deep breath, worried about how Jace will take this. I have to tell him now, rather than later, now that he's heard a child crying in the back. I can't have him thinking I kidnapped a kid or something.

Under my breath, I whisper, "Let's go meet your daddy."

I walk into the living room with Josie in my arms, where Jace is sitting on the couch looking around. He stands up when I come in and steps towards me.

Josie and Jace look at each other curiously. I think he notices her eyes, and then looks at me, confusion painted on his face.

I take a deep breath and say, as steadily as I can, "Jace, this is my, um our, daughter, Jocelyn Valerie. Josie for short."

Understanding floods into his eyes.

"Ours...?" I nod.

"Do you, um, want to hold her?", I ask, extremely nervous. He hasn't really shown any sign of emotion about any of this.

Jace takes her from me, and Josie immediatley starts reaching up to touch his face. He puts a finger into one of her tiny hands. I search his face and see the barest trace of a smile, and I know that, for now, everything is okay.

I still have questions though.

"Jace, what happened? On that day?", I blurt out. I don't mean to be abrupt, but I need to know.

"Well, I was taking a walk, and the warlock girl came up to me, and I didn't want to be rude, so I talked to her. Then everything got super fuzzy, and I woke up when you snapped the branch. The warlock put me a spell. Clary, I didn't know what to do with myself when you left. I didn't want to do anything, not even eat, until I found you. Magnus did a spell that showed us you were in France. I left six months ago, and I went to every single Institute in France. I was lost and miserable without you. I just want you back, to be with you, and I want things to go back to how it was before."

I see in his eyes that he meant every word, and completely forgive him. A tear of joy slips out of my eye, and I smile. I hug Jace and Josie, and it feels good to know that he is here with me, and with his kids.

He looks at me with his familiar sarcastic smirk. "So, you didn't name her after both sides of the family?," he says, with a hint of his old arrogance.

Crap! He only knows about Josie, not about William. I might as well tell him now.

Just before I speak up, and break the comfortable silence, Will starts screaming. He hates not being in the same room as his sister, so he must have figured out that she is with me. I mentally facepalm, and shoot a glance at Jace, who looks extremely confused. I rush off to get William.

I walk back into the room hesitantly with Will in my arms. Jace had put Josie down, and was watching her play with her toys.

"I was getting ready to tell you that, well, we actually had twins, but we were interrupted.", I say, playfully tickling Will.

"Twins?", Jace asks, looking dumbstruck.

"Are you okay?", I ask, worried.

He half-smiles. "Yeah! Of course, this is amazing ! I'm really happy! It's just... a lot to take in. What's his name?"

Now it's my turn to smile. "William Maxwell. For you."

He grins widely and says, "Ah! There's my side of the family."

I just shake my head and whisper, "I love you..."

Okay so I just looked at my clock and was like "Holy poop, when did it become midnight?!" So l like this chapter. The way that Clary just knows that Jace is telling the truth, and that he never actually cheated, and how she just forgives him, because their love is SO strong. *swoons* How many of you can tell that I'm a hopeless romantic? haha Remember, I'm hoping for 500 reads soon! Thanks so much for reading! Comment to tell me what ya think! Luvs ya ~Abby

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