Chapter 23

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April 11th


"Boys! Are you coming or not?!", I screamed up the staircase of the Institute, then grabbed my suitcase and lugged it to the front door.

One by one, Simon, Alec, and Magnus came to the door with their luggage; Magnus carrying the largest suitcase of the four of us.

"Here, let me take your suitcase Izzy.", Simon says, gesturing to my bag.

"Thanks love, but I can get it myself.", I say sweetly, leaning over to kiss Simon lightly.

Magnus speaks up. "Did you want me to make a portal to our missing friends, or do you want to make out with Simon?", he asks, annoyed.

"Magnus, just make the portal.", Alec says impatiently.

The warlock huffs and turn his back to us, preparing to work the spell. I tap my fingers on the handle of my bag.

As the spinning blue doorway appears, I address the group.

"I'm going through first. I'll wait for you on the other side. This is going to the right house, right Magnus?"

"Indeed it is, oh sassy one.", he replies coolly.

I take a deep breath a step through the portal, coming out in front of a small French cottage...

I know, I know. It's super short. But it's kinda late, and it's the second day of school, so I'm exhausted. I will try my best to get a (much) longer chapter up tomorrow. It shall feature THE GREAT REUNION!! Idk what that was, I'm tired. Goodnight. Hope you enjoyed. Comment title suggestions. 
Love, Abby<3

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