Chapter 25

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We walked into the living room of Clary's house after setting our bags down in the foyer, and sat awkwardly on the couch and chairs. I ended up sitting on the floor, leaning against Magnus' legs, due to lack of seating.

Valerie stayed standing. "I wish I could stay and talk, but I have things to take care of in the other room. Clary and Jace should be home very shortly."

Everyone just nodded, looking around. The living room was small, just a couch and a few squishy chairs surrounding a fireplace. There was a TV above the mantle and several closed baskets lined up on the hearth.

A minute later, I heard footsteps coming towards the living room.

"Shh, guys, do you hear that? It sounds like a little kid's footsteps.", I whispered. Everyone else's heads snapped up to listen.

Before anyone could speak again, a tiny toddler poked his head around the door frame, then wobbled in on chubby baby legs.

I sucked in a breath quickly. The kid looked like a miniature Jace, but with green eyes, like, well, Clary.

We all stared at him, silent and bewildered. Izzy spoke first.

"Hi, baby.", she cooed softly.

He silently waved back.

"What's your name?", she asked him gently.

Not a minute later, a second child came through the door. This one looked exactly like Clary, but she had exactly Jace's eyes.

"Will...?", she said quietly, grabbing onto the boy's hand.

"Josie! People!", he said happily, pointing to us.

The little girl, Josie I guess, smiled at us, the waddled to one of the baskets, opened the lid, and pulled out a small stuffed animal.

She walked up to me and handed me the toy. "Play!", she said. I smiled, whoever she was, this kid was seriously cute. I smiled and looked up at Magnus, who was looking at her with a confused smile.

Isabelle had climbed down on the floor and was trying to tickle the little boy, Will.

Suddenly, we heard a key in the lock of the door, and it opened carefully.

The two babies' head swiveled around and they broke into huge grins. Clary and Jace stepped out from behind the door, taking off their coats, not noticing any of the people sitting in their living room. Before any of us could say anything, the two kids took off.

The little boy ran straight for Clary yelling, "Mommy!", as she picked him up.

The little girl beelined for Jace but tripped right at his feet, He caught her before she hit the ground and scooped her up in the air.

"Yay Daddy!", she said, laughing.

"Nice catch, Jace.", said Clary, and Jace bent over to kiss her on the cheek. The little boy in Clary's arms covered his eyes.

"Yeah, nice catch, Jace.", Magnus said loudly.

Clary and Jace both jumped and turned quickly to us.

"Holy crap!", Clary said, then broke into a huge smile when she figured out who we were. "I didn't know you guys were coming in today! Welcome to France!"

Izzy frowned. "Clarissa, you have some explaining to do. Why are these children calling you Mommy and Daddy?"

Clary and Jace shot each other knowing smiles.

"Well...", Jace began. "These are our babies. Jocelyn Valerie and William Maxwell Morgenstern-Herondale."

With that my mouth dropped completely open.

Better? Here's that long chapter I promised a while ago. I was gonna write it yesterday, then my biology teacher assigned us 30 pages of textbook notes, so I didn't get to writing. Hope you enjoyed!!! Comment title suggestions! Thanks for reading!!
LUVS, Abby<3

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