Chapter 15

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~Alexis' POV~

"Hey," I grinned as Bryce reached across his car's dashboard to open the passenger door for me.

"Hey to you too," Bryce replied, tucking my loose hair behind my ear.

His eye was still puffy, but it did not look as dark as it had been yesterday.

"Are you sure you can see out of that eye, Bryce?" I asked as I rested my arm on the car's center console.

"I got here perfectly fine, didn't I?" he replied, placing his hand over my own.

It was the start of a new week and I could not help myself from taking care of Bryce. After all, it's the least I can do for him since he's been nice to me.

"I'll be fine, Johnson. There's no reason for you to be worried," Bryce smiled before driving in the direction of our school building.


Ring. Ring. Ring.

The first bell of the week finished ringing and signaled the start of homeroom. Ms. Lloyd took attendance and the morning announcements begun. During the announcements, Ashton kicked the back of my chair.

"Johnson!" he harshly whispered, "What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Shut up, Ashton," I groaned, "It's not my fault that Michael beat Bryce up."

"Fine, fine. Have it your way. I guess he never was your type," Ashton backed down.

The bell rang again and I walked over to the corner where Saedi and I always met up. A picture of Michael punching a defenseless Bryce burned in my brain and I couldn't stop the ache that came along with it.

"What's up with you?" Saedi asked, her voice cheerful and sweet, "I heard that someone demolished Bryce yesterday."

"I wish you hadn't brought it up," I groaned, running a hand over my face, "Can we not go to class? I don't want to be in the same room as Michael right now."

"But Bryce will be there," Saedi nudged me towards the stairway that led to the music room.


"Johnson!" Bryce called out from behind the grand piano.

Saedi clapped as she saw the two of us share the piano bench. "Pictures! Oh my god, we need pictures of this!"

As she took out her phone and snapped a few photos, Bryce asked me about why I chose to stay by him instead of going off with Michael.

"It's not like they're dating, Bryce. She can back up whoever she wants," Saedi mentioned, sitting next to me.

"This bench isn't meant for three people!" I yelled, leaning against Saedi to get off.

"Bryce!" Saedi exclaimed, "Calm her down."

Linking our arms together, Bryce began to speak, "If you aren't exactly dating him, then would you let me take you out somewhere nice?"

"Yeah, I'd love to," I grinned.

"Be ready to go as soon as that final bell rings, Alexis," Bryce stated, "Don't worry, I've gotten you something appropriate for the occasion."

He kissed my forehead before I got up and visited the guitar section. Unlike previous days, Michael's guitar was not resting on one of the guitar stands. I picked up one of the acoustic guitars and played a few chords for the rest of the period.


"Just give me your stuff. I'll put them in your locker. Just go. Like, now!" Saedi repeatedly jumped behind me.

"It doesn't take long to stop by my locker," I began, "Plus, Bryce is probably waiting for me at my locker."

We turned the corner and walked down the hallway to my locker where not Bryce, but Michael was waiting. The moment he saw me, I stopped in my tracks and turned the other way.

"Alexis," Michael pleaded, "Please don't ignore me like this."

From the corner of my eye, I saw a tall figure coming closer to the scene.

"Ey, I don't think the girl wants you here. I suggest you leave. Now."

It was Bryce. I turned back around and saw that he had Michael pinned against the row of lockers.

"You're stronger than you look, but that was only because you got mad at me, wasn't it?" Bryce threatened him, "Clearly you're lacking knowledge that you really shouldn't have touched me at all."

Michael groaned as Bryce kneed him in the stomach. I gave my books and binder to Saedi before rushing into the scene. After being kneed twice, Michael appeared to be winded. Not as badly as Bryce was after the football tryouts, but bad enough that he was gasping for air.

"Bryce!" I called out, "Stop it!" 

I reached out for his arm and pulled him away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at him and slapped him.

"A-Alexis..." Bryce muttered. "Come on, we're going."

He held a tight grip on my forearm and brought me to his car. Bryce sighed before looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry that happened. It just felt like he was trying to steal you away from me."

"Is that what all of this is about? Michael stealing me away from you?" I asked, standing on the tips of my toes.

"I didn't expect for me to have a crush on you either."

I intertwined our fingers and quickly pecked at his lips. As my eyes fluttered open, I saw a smirk form on Bryce's face. He pushed me against the side of his car and smashed his mouth against mine. Kiss after kiss, I fell deeper in a trance.

"B-Bryce," I stuttered, "W-We should get going."

After opening the door to the backseat, Bryce pulled out a paper bag. "Change into this first."

"Don't look while I change, you idiot!" I laughed as I pushed Bryce away.

"Why? I've basically seen you naked," he smirked as he crossed his arms, "Hurry up then."

After one look in the shopping bag, I realized where Bryce wanted this date to go. Pulling the dress out, I noticed how short it was. I rolled my eyes at Bryce's choice of attire, but I still went through with his idea and slipped the dress over my body. The material of the dress felt silky smooth, and hugged my hips, as if to compliment them.

"You done yet?" Bryce asked, peeking his head from the car door.


"Good. Don't forget to put these on too," he said, tossing a pair of matching black heels to me.

Stilettos? He better make this one hell of a night.

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