Chapter 16

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~Alexis' POV~

The sun was still shining, and the sky was visibly light blue. Bryce had the windows rolled down and soft rock playing on the radio. He was wearing his Letterman jacket, a white t-shirt, and jeans, but here I was; all dressed up.

"Where are we even going?" I asked as he drove away from the school parking lot.

"You might want to call your mom and tell her you'll be coming home late," he replied, ignoring my question.

"It's a school night!" I retorted, frustrated with how he was behaving.

"We're going to have an early dinner and go to a little back to school party. That's all," he shrugged.

"Who has parties on a Monday? Of all days, they pick Monday?"


Bryce pulled to a stop in a parking space right in front of the building. He unbuckled his seat belt and slid out from his seat before coming over to my door and opening it.

"Milady," Bryce spoke, reaching his hand out to take mine.

"Such a gentleman," I mocked as I exited the black Sedan.

The two of us were dressed completely different from each other. While I appeared dressed up for the occasion, he walked next to me in casual attire. Every time I took a step, the click of my heels echoed, unlike Bryce's silent step.

As we entered the restaurant, the lady at the front desk guided us to our table, towards the back of the building. It was darker and seemed further away from other tables. A man dressed with a white-collared shirt, a black vest, and dress pants came over and lit a candle before placing it between me and Bryce.

"You actually decided to take me to a candle lit dinner before we go to a party?" I questioned as he checked the time on his phone.

"I thought it would be romantic," Bryce muttered.

"But it is," I smiled before I took a hold of his hands, "It's just... Different. Especially from you, Mr. tough guy."

"I hope you eat enough here. Parties usually don't have real food."


By the time we left, the sun was beginning to set. The sky was painted with colors of blue, orange, and pink, all blending together. It all looked like it was all a piece of art.

"Look, Bryce!" I pointed out, grabbing at his arm, "Pretty colors!"

For the first time in forever, Bryce smiled with an open mouth. Under the bright colors of the sky and with me.

"I'm surprised that you actually wanted to come on a date with me," he admitted as he pulled my body closer to his.

I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, similar to when I went on my date with Michael. With no response, we continued walking back to his car. The only sound in the scene being the clicks of my footwear.

Again, Bryce opened the passenger's door for me. Although it was a nice gesture, it felt foreign; especially from a guy like Bryce. He's treated me kindly from the moment I met him, but him taking me out to an Italian dinner for two was unexpected.

Bryce started the car and drove to the location of the party: Adam's house. Adam and Bryce were close friends since the seventh grade- at least from what I've heard- and have always tried out for sports teams together.

"Is there something bothering you?" Bryce asked.

I snapped out from the daze I was in, resulting in my body jolting up a bit.

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