Chapter 3

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~Michael's POV~

-12 PM-

The bell ending third period had just rang and I made my way to my locker. As I had thought, the guys were talking; waiting for me.

I walked up to them. "Okay. Which one of you fucking bastards took Alexis's phone from me?"

Luke and Calum just pointed at Ashton as I took a lean against a wall. Upon closer, Alexis's phone was slipping out of his pocket.

"Well?" I began, "It would be best if you gave it back to me, Irwin."

"C'mon Mikey... There are way too many unexpected photos of Alexis in this. You can't expect me to give up something this, How do I put this... Juicy," Ashton responded.

Luke just reached for the phone, unlocked it, and showed the screen to me. That picture on the screen showed a version of Alexis I never thought existed.

Snap out of it Michael.

"You know better than to fucking look at girls in just their lingerie!"

"Michael, admit it. Johnson is pretty damn hot," Calum stated.

"Ooh. She was texting Saedi earlier too," Luke added, "Wanna see what they were talking about?"

I took the phone from him and began scrolling through the messages.


You so do like him.

Noway in hell. No fucking way would I like Michael.

The lies you speak are soooo obvious Alexis, you know you like Clifford.

...Fine... I do... Not a single word about it. Or I will cut you.

Knowing you, I'lljust shut the fuck up about it. See you at school!! ^-^



So, she likes me? Alexis Johnson, the "Beloved good girl" of the school, likes me? There was definitely more to this girl than I thought.

"Just go for her." I looked up to see Ashton kicking at the floor, "I won't try anything anymore."

We walked outside for lunch, heading toward our spot by the trash to smoke a joint.


~Alexis's POV~

Saedi and I met up by the cafeteria's main entryway for lunch. Reaching in my pocket for my phone, I began to freak out when I didn't feel it in my back pocket. I checked my backpack, my jacket, and I even checked if Saedi had it, Which she didn't. Then I remembered that four guys held my phone in their possession. One of them being Michael.

Saedi noticed the look on my face and got a head start out to the main foyer. Storming out, anyone who noticed me stayed out of my path. Once I got within hearing distance from the guys, I saw awestruck expressions matching up with the "damm"s coming from their mouths.

"You motherfuckers!" I screamed as I snatched my phone back. Looking at the screen, I saw the pictures of me in various Victoria's Secret lingerie. From the four boys' reactions, I blushed a bright red.

The first to speak was Calum. "And that's all for Bryce? Are you two like an item or something now?"

"Nah. They're probably just fuck buddies," Luke commented. After that, they all turned to me.

"Who the fuck do you think you people are? Don't you four assholes ever think of the feelings of girls?"

Throughout my rage, I was able to get my point out to all of them except Michael. Others even started to pay attention as he spoke. "Hey, Johnson, we're guys. What do you expect? Guys are perves. And pictures of a sexy body in just a bra and underwear are quite the turn on y'know."

How could he be so calm about this???

"Now, I don't mind if you take your phone back, but I'm getting something in return for not posting those photos on the internet." He winked and turned around walking in the opposite direction of me.

"It's not like-"

"Of course I sent the photos to myself. They could be useful." With a sky smile, Michael continued on his path.

Saedi had found me wandering the hallway and came up to me. "So, what happened out there? You better tell me why you're so slumped after that."

Glaring at her, I told her what happened.

"Dang. I can see why you're pissed off at everything. But I must say. You did look pretty hot in those pics. No homo."

We both smiled at her attempt to cheer me up. "I just don't want him to find out that Bryce is just a cover up for him... I can't let him find out that I absolutely adore him. Are you not aware of how stupid Michael is?"

Saedi stopped and just looked at me. "Michael probably already knows you like him or something. He wouldn't just go through photos. He-"

"No no no no... He saw the messages Saedi! He knows... And then Like probably went through my Web searches."

"What's bad about that?"

"I'm planning on getting more piercings. And probably a few tattoos."

"Ohhh. Doesn't Mikey have some tats too?... And thaaaat's why it's bad. Okay. I got it."

God... How her mind processed slowly...

"Let's go take your mind off of this after the rest of our classes. We're going to get some new piercings!"


Hey there fluffballs!!! So, um. Idk about you, but I like this entire theme of the story. So, even if you don't want to read it, (which you should still read because it's interesting) it's going to be here. Because I need it.

Anywho, ummmm... yeah. Thanks for the support.

Love youu guys



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