Chapter 7

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~Alexis's POV~

For the second day of school, I already felt as if it was already the middle of the school year. I already knew of a group of people that skip their classes to meet up somewhere. There was also the group of know-it-alls competing to be teacher's pet in many of my classes.

I would have never thought that Saedi, of all people, would get me to change my course. It is no surprise that I am actually good at school, straight A's and all. If I was in a perfectly fine condition, I was never truant. To everyone that knew me, I was the "good girl." My sophisticated style never helped with the annoying title either. Class by class, the hours went by slowly. After my fourth period, I had gone to lunch with Bryce.

He seemed to be a little more touchy and got closer to me many times during a 30-minute time span. It was as if he thought I was his; that I had belonged to him. Bryce could not seem to avoid mentioning how "hot" or "sexy" I was. It was enough that I was dared to send him some select pictures by none other than Saedi. I was not expecting that changing my look would have attracted a douche. Yeah, I thought he was cute and all, and maybe I went to his football games, and admired his muscular frame during Physical Ed, but that was all. I had no fucking idea of who Bryce Anderson really was.

One person I definitely knew was Michael. While he was running through my mind, I felt a sudden pull from my waist. "'What could have you so caught up in thought, babe?" Bryce asked while I looked up at him.

It did not amuse me knowing that this was how I was spending my lunch. "You know something? I'm always caught up in thought because of stupid ass decisions I make!" I ranted, "Maybe it's also the fact that you have the nerve to not notice me for three years and suddenly become interested in me after I sent you pictures of me half-naked! Let's not forget that you would not be talking to me like this if I never changed at all. So why don't we just stop all of this, stay out of eachother's lives and go on from there?"

"Would it really make you feel better about yourself if I just left right now?" he asked, moving his arm away from me.

"Yeah, it would."

"Okay then, I'll go. I'm keeping the pictures and just to let you know."

"I don't give a fucking shit. Just leave."

It was as simple as that. He left, I had the rest of lunch for myself. I straightened out my outfit and went out to the main foyer- the complete opposite direction from Bryce. Deleting his number from my phone, I paid no attention to where I was walking.

"Watch- Oh, hey, Alexis!" I looked up from my phone and saw Ashton.

"Hi," I responded dully. Ashton asked me if I wanted to spend the remaining five minutes of lunch with him, to which I agreed.

"I saw you earlier in there with Bryce. How did that end up? You have the guy of your dreams yet?"

"Bryce and I just aren't cut out for eachother... He only noticed me because of these stupid-"

Halfway through my sentence, Ashton chuckled, "Because of the stupid pictures the guys and I found on your phone?"

"That's right... You guys saw... But yeah, those," I felt my face heat up and turn a light shade of pink from embarrassment.

"I'll admit to something now then," Ashton stated, "You are most definitely not like other girls I know, Kayla. In fact, to Luke and Calum, you were the first to ever straight up yell at them."

I did not know where he was taking this conversation, but it intrigued me to hear what he had to say. "With Michael, god damn... You guys have been friends for like, ever. By now, you two could have been dating."

Before I had a chance to speak, Ashton continued. "Don't you think that would be nice, Alexis? I've got you figured out. That's why I want to talk to you after school. I'm going to help you!" he ended with a smile and a laugh. The bell rang indicating the end of lunch.

Three more classes... You can handle it...


"So tell me, what is your deal?" Ashton requested.

"My deal? As in what's going on in my life?"

"Yep. What's with you?"

I paused for a moment and after finally understanding what he meant, I began to speak. "Well, ever since we were six, Michael and I were the best of friends. By the time middle school came along, we hung out less and less. That was when he met you, Luke, and Calum. Saedi and I also became besties during that time period. When freshman year came along, I was all set to face the world. Which Saedi and I did, together. Sophomore has had to be the worst year of my life. My dad was being deployed to Iraq for three years. He missed my sixteenth birthday... But, he's supposed to be coming back this year, so I'm happy for that."

Ashton gazed at me as he listened, taking each word I spoke into his mind. I blushed a bit towards the end considering that Ashton had never once looked away.

"And that's why you like Michael!" he exclaimed out of the blue.

Confused, I asked him about it, "Excuse me? I'm lost. How in the world did you get that from what I told you?"

"It was easy. Childhood friends always make the best crushes. But as you grew up, people that you cared about started to go away. One being Michael! You like Michael because you two used to be so close. Because you two were inseparable!" Ashton rambled on and on. The more you listened, the more it made sense, but I remained in awe of how Ashton figured it out so quickly. "I'm going to help you with this Alexis. It's all I can really think of for making up for telling the guys to go through your messages..."

My tongue was swollen for the entire day, and it decided that it would swell up even more. I tried to speak normally like I had earlier today, but when I spoke now, there was an obvious slur. "Thankhs Ashtohn. I really appreciahthe ith."

"Okay... What's with the sudden sluring?" I cursed under my breath as I stuck out my tongue. "You even pierced your tongue?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah. I've always wanted it done, so I finally got it done," I replied with a shrug.

"I'm guessing you're keeping it a surprise until I'm able to hook you guys up?" he questioned. I nodded.

"You're lucky I can keep a secret. Tomorrow, you want me to bring Michael to all his classes on time so you we can all talk together? And we could even have lunch together if you want."

"That would be delightful, Irwin. You want me to bring Saedi? I'm aware you have a thing for her."

"Why not. We could even have a double date sometime." We both had a quick laugh.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Irwin." I smiled as I stood up.

"Same to you Johnson."


I'm only going to say it once more. I don't know why, but this is seriously what I dream about most nights. It's freaky. Anyway, this was only up for my enjoyment, but since you've gone ahead and read this far, it shows that you enjoy it too. So next time I update will be for the both of us. All Fluffballs that are enjoying this deserve to get updates, so it's for all of us in reality. But who likes reality? I can't have a Michael Gordon Clifford in my real, actual life.

I'll stop before I get too into rambling...

Have a good rest of your day/night Fluffballs!

I love you all and appreciate the fact that you guys are actually reading my shitty writing.


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