Chapter 10

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~Alexis's POV~

After what seemed like forever, Michael and I finally arrived at our date venue. The movie theater.

"Um, Mikey? Where's Saedi and Ash?" I asked looking around us as we walked up to the ticket booth.

"They decided to cancel. Looks like it's just you, me, and The Conjuring," he smiled.

"Who decided we were going to watch that movie?" I could feel my face go pale once he mentioned The Conjuring. It was not because I was scared; I just tend to not enjoy films that are "scary."

"Is someone scared? It'll give me a reason to hold you even closer," Michael wrapped both his arms around my waist, causing me to stumble towards him.

My cheeks reddened and Michael laughed. To add to that, there were a massive amount of families with younger children, probably watching Turbo, around. Adults were looking at us like we were disgraces to the human race while their children pointed to and commented on Michael's fully-dyed blue hair.

"Why can't we watch something else? Some kind of family movie maybe?" I pulled at Michael's hoodie.

"And have these people," he motioned to all the other adults around us, "look at us like that?"

"You just want to watch The Conjuring. All you had to do was say you wanted to."

"Well, I wanted to be somewhere dark with you in the back, where no one could see us."

"You're such a fucking flirt, Clifford."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You like it," he told me before getting our tickets.


"You seriously left me here to watch the beginning, by myself, so you could get popcorn?" I questioned Michael's action.

"No movie is complete without it. Even if it's before dinner," he replied stuffing popcorn in his mouth.

"Next you are going to tell me that you need a hot girl with you at all times," I said turning my attention back to the movie.

"Considering I have certain pictures of you on my phone, I don't necessarily need a hot girl with me all the time. You're good enough."

"Excuse me? 'Good enough'? And I thought you were different by now," I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted as an exorcism scene began to play.

My eyes went wide and I felt my heartbeat quicken. As an instinct, my hands flew up to cover my eyes. A familiar feeling rushed through me as I felt two arms wrap around me, pulling me closer. "You're getting scared over this?" Michael laughed. I moved my hands from my face and looked at him. "No..." I replied.

"It's cute. I like snuggling up like this," he started, "Just like when we were little. Your hair smelt like strawberries, and we would be sitting out in one of our backyards."

I momentarily closed my eyes, which was a huge mistake. Once I opened them again, there was a creepy doll shown on the screen. Being in the back, Michael and I had a view of the entire screen, which caused me to be even more frightened. I yelped and sunk into the theater seat.

"Awwee," Michael cooed, "Someone is scared."

I shoved him away from me and curled up into a ball. "Stop it."

"You're going to hate the next part then. Come back and cuddle," he pouted.

"Have you forgotten that we're in public?"

"That's what makes it even better." Michael pulled me back into his arms and I felt warm. I felt safe. I felt wanted.

I felt perfect.


Short chapter? I'm sorry guys... I don't have any ideas for the dinner yet... it'll be up sometime soon. Promise.


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