Chapter 4

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~Alexis's POV~

-4:20 PM; The Mall-

After school ended, Saedi and I went to the mall. We had gone to Starbucks for some celebratory frappes and then head over to Hot Topic for a little extra shopping.

After that, Saedi brought me to the tattoo parlor not too far from the mall. "Okay, so we got new school attire for you. Now go make yourself a different Alexis. Then maybe we can go get you a new haircut," Saedi smiled as she pushed me closer to the door of the parlor.

"But... I never checked this with-"

"Yeah yeah, your mom said as long as it wasn't more than 5 piercings and as long as you didn't look revealing and don't dye all of your hair. She'll be fine with it," Saedi had assured me.


I was never that much of a fan of changing my entire style, but it was about time I changed out of my so called "good girl" image. After all, I am nowhere near the stereotypical goody two shoes. I walked in with Saedi following behind me as a tattoo artist greeted us.

"Are you here for a tattoo or to get pierced?" She asked.

Before I had a chance to speak, Saedi answered for me, "She's here to get pierced."

"Okay, just take a seat over there," She said pointing to a section of the parlor with a variety of piercings.

"Go on," Saedi whispered as she took a seat by the front getting on her phone.

Hesitantly, I made my way to the station. I've been wanting to get my tongue and lip pierced for a while, but now being here, I thought how it would affect me in school.

"So, what will it be today?" a guy's voice asked.

"J- just a s- simple mid-line tongue piercing. And a s- standard lip piercing," I requested with a slight stutter.

"You're friend is making you go for a new image, isn't she?" he asked while motioning towards Saedi.

"Yeah, but it would help catch the eye of someone," I replied looking at the guy's face. He looked good for someone probably around the age of 22. It felt as if I've been looking at hum for ages; he's speech also silenced in my mind as my eyes focused on just him.

"-And that's about all you need to know as a forewarning. Shall we continue?"



"I feel like you weren't paying attention to my introduction of myself and the warning I gave you before," the guy mentioned as he disposed of the packaging for the piercings, "May I ask you something?"

"Yeah, I guess," I responded.

"If you ever think of getting anything done, would you call me?" Jason questioned with a sly smirk.

"I'd be glad to."

"Great. I'll just go print off some aftercare instructions and we can go ring you up."

Right when he left to go to the back, Saedi came up to me. "Alexis, where are y-"

"Don't act fucking stupid Saedi," I cut her off.

"Fine," She pouted, "So who was that? He's cute."

"I'm just going to pay now. You can go swoon over a stranger somewhere else."

I walked over to where Jason now stood and I paid the expense. He then went over the papers with the aftercare on them and told me about how my tongue would swell up for a few weeks and how my lip would hurt for at least 2 days. After we reviewed everything, he wrote something down on one of the papers and handed them to me. Before I left the parlor, Jason called out to me. "Call me." With that, I smiled and left with Saedi.

"Now, let's go dye your hair!" Saedi sped up as I stopped, "Wait. Why did you just stop?"

"I don't want to dye my hair. Not right now at least. This is my fourth year with Ms. Baize. Knowing her, we're going to have a pop quiz in my french class."

"You just had to be in the fourth french course. Jackass."

"It's your fault that you failed the final class hun."

"Whatever. You're going to look so fricking different tomorrow. I have to spend the night. I'll even drive us to school."

"Okay. Whatever you want. Just don't make it completely obvious."

With a laugh, Saedi commented on my want, "I'm sure he'll figure it out sooner or later."

The so called "good girl" would be something different now. This just had to catch Michael's attention...


Weeeeellllllllll, I don't really have anything to say. So there.

Thank you for reading and thank you for the support.

Love you guyss♡


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