Chapter 6

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A.N.: Sorry for going major MIA. I'm back. Found some inspiration! :D


~Michael's POV~

Currently, I was at the back of the school with Ashton, Calum, and Luke. As usual, we were taking a quick smoke before first period. There was no sign of Alexis anywhere, so there was no reason to get to class early. The time was about 8:28 and I decided it was time to head inside for class.

"You're leaving early? What's the rush?" Luke asked as I reached the door.

"You can't tear music away from my day. That's why I'm going," I said before going in.

Like yesterday, I entered the music room and was greeted similarly. "Mr. Clifford, nice to know you actually arrived."

"Nice to know you actually care about crap like that," I reciprocated towards Ms. Clarke.

I went to the guitar section and picked my guitar up. As I was about to take a seat on one of the stools and start playing, I saw a girl with straight, black hair with the tips dyed a bright, electric blue. Next to her were Saedi and Bryce. I might as well just give up with her already...

~Alexis's POV~

"I think getting your hair dyed last night was worth it. I'm pretty sure french won't have a second day of school pop quiz," Bryce told me, "In fact, the electric blue contrasts your natural hair perfectly. It makes you even hotter."

Saedi punched him at the mention of me being "hotter" and he spoke again. "What I meant to say was that it makes you, er... prettier? More beautiful? I don't know!"

I laughed at his attempt to be smooth. If there was one thing I knew about Bryce, it's that his mindset was on a girl's looks. There was nothing wrong with it considering that he actually wants to get to know the girl after a while.

"Ooh. You know what would be just great?" Saedi asked.

"What?" Both Bryce and I replied in sync.

"Wouldn't it be great if Bryce and the rest of the football team win the homecoming game and the both of you are crowned the homecoming couple?"

"Would it be great, Alexis? Because I am one hundred percent certain it's going to happen."

I did not know how to respond since I never really considered going for Bryce. With a smile, I replied to the both of them. "Yeah. It would be just wonderful if that happened. As much as I would love to stay here and talk with you two, I'm going to the guitars so I can practice a little something I came across on the internet."

Bryce nodded, "I'll see you at lunch then," then went over to the keyboards.

Every so often, my tongue had random swelling spasms, and one was occuring right now. I pushed it out of my mind as I walked over to where Michael sat. As he finished whatever he was playing, I took a seat next to him.

"Now, tell me Alexis. Why did you dye your hair?" he looked up from his guitar to me.

"Well, I like the color," I bluntly replied.

"And the new style of clothes?"

"Umm, I felt like changing my style."

"Bullshit," Michael stated standing up and putting his guitar back on its stand.


"You, out of anybody, would never switch innocent for rebel. Unless," he took a quick pause and looked me right in the eyes, "There is someone you're doing this for. Could it be Bryce?"


"You two are getting a little more into this 'relationship' of yours aren't you," he grinned and a quiet snicker came out.

"You could say that," I said gaining confidence in my voice.

Within seconds, I was up against a wall and Michael was closing the open space between us. "Because I know that if someone were to change their style and even get a lip piercing for me that I wouldn't be able to resist temptations."

I felt his breath against my neck and his body heat against mine. The moment the bell ending class rang I quickly slipped away from the position I was in to catch up with Saedi.

"Were things getting a little steamy over there?" she joked.

"Shut it. He's catching onto me. Sooner or later, he's going to figure it out," I stated increasing my walking speed.

"Why rush to Language Arts? We could go hang out with Michael and the guys or Bryce and his groupies. Who would you rather go to?"

"You pick. I know you would just drag me to the one I choose, so I don't care."

"Okay. Michael it is."


Saedi pulled me through the hoarde of students by the back exit of the school. Michael and the others usually came to this certain area in the back during the passing periods. Once we got to the doors, I heard two voices conversing.

"Did you see the blue in her hair? And the lip piercing?"

"Yeah, they're perfect for her."

"Whoever gets her is one lucky motherfucker, because I know it's not going to be me."

That last voice was Michael's, no doubt about it. Before class ended, I was convinced that he knew it was because of him. Maybe I was wrong? Or maybe he's aware I'm here? By now, I was not even sure anymore. I pushed the door open and Saedi followed behind.

The first to notice me was Calum as he waved for me to come over. Ashton laughed as he saw me and Luke leaned on the wall. "Look who showed up at the perfect time," Ashton gently pulled me over to take a seat beside Michael. I glanced over at Saedi and she gave me a thumbs up and left subtly.

"She's not going to skip class to go anywhere, guys," Michael began, "Especially if it's us."

I could not skip any part of school. I just couldn't. Remaining silent, the guys all looked at me. Calum and Luke decided to go a little further out from my current location.

"See guys? I told you." Michael said; his accent heavier than when he last spoke. With that, only Ashton stood by me. The other three leaving into the back woods.

"You shouldn't have to do any of this to catch his attention, Alexis," Ashton stated, "Maybe you and I could meet up somewhere after school? That is if you don't have any other plans." He gave me a smile and opened the school's door for me.

"I know you have my number, Ashton. You could just text me. But, yeah. I guess we could meet up later," I told the older boy.

After my encounter with Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Luke, I rushed to my second class of the day. Saedi was by a water fountain waiting for me.

"Tell me Alexis, does he have you figured out?" she questioned me while we walked into class.

"Yeah... He does..." I replied as the bell rang indicating the start of class.


Awh. You just keep reading this don't you. Thank you for that!!!!

Anyway, continue enjoying this. It makes me enjoy writing the fanfic even more knowing you guys like it too.

I love you <3


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