Chapter 1

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~Alexis's POV~

Sigh... I walk into homeroom and I saw someone I was hoping I wouldn't see right off the bat. Michael. Looking at my schedule, I noticed that I had honors music as my first period. There's another class I'm going to have with Michael... Second period, Language Arts. Third, French. Lunch. Fourth, Science. Fifth, Physical Education. Sixth, Math. Seventh, World History. Since my core classes were all advanced, I shouldn't have to worry about Clifford being in them. He's not exactly the brightest person in the world. Michael was not exactly in my classes last year either.

The final bell rang and everyone took a seat. As expected, Michael took a seat in the back and I took one in the front, next to my best friend, Saedi. Our teacher walked in and wrote her name on the whiteboard.

"Welcome back seniors. I will be your homeroom teacher and most likely your science teacher for the year. First off, my name is Ms. Lloyd. In this class, rough behavior will not be tolerated. Respe-"

From the back of the room, Michael's "crew" was snickering.

"Is there a problem?"

"Why yes. There is a problem. That no rough behavior rule. I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to agree to that," Michael replied.

"Ah, yes. So you are Michael Clifford. Your teachers from last year warned me about you. That is why I have a seating chart." Ms. Lloyd stated.

"What? This is our last year of highschool! We don't need a frickin seating chart!"

"My classroom. My rules. And most definitely, its my decision to make a seating chart."

The class replied with various 'oohs.' Michael being showed up by a teacher was new.

"So if you don't mind like your peers, Mr. Clifford, all of you will stand at the front of the room while I call each of you to your designated spot."

I got up out of my seat like the rest and went to the front of the classroom. One by one, Ms. Lloyd sat us down.

"Darcy Ortega. Bryce Anderson. Alexis Johnson."

I went to take my seat. For once, I was actually fine with my assigned seat. That was until I found out who sat next to me.

"Mr. Clifford, you'll be taking a seat next to Ms. Johnson," Ms. Lloyd spoke in a more proffesional tone.

Well thanks for ruining my "parade..."

I was perfectly okay sitting next to Saedi, but she just had to move me. Next to Clifford...

"Ahem... Anyway, now that we are all set up..."

As I was tuning her out, my phone fell out of my pocket. When I leaned down to grab it, I saw that Michael was holding it. "Are you seriously going to make my life here a living hell?" I asked in a rough whisper.

"I could if you wanted me to. But it's clear you don't want that," he replied.

"Thank god..."

"And you know what that means," he had a smirk on his face and continued, "I will make your life here a living hell."

"Fuck you Clifford."

"I'll give it back during either third or fifth period. Maybe even after next period," he said winking as the bell rung.

"Johnson!" Saedi called out when we got out into the hall, "How's sitting next to Michael?"

"It's actually pretty fucking horrible," I responded.

"What did he do this time?"

"He's going to be making this year a fucking living hell for me. He also took my phone and is holding it captive."

"How much to bet he's putting his number in it? I'm pretty sure he's going to figure out your password."

"No way. He cannot guess-"

"Your password is your fucking ship name! Mixis isn't that hard to guess! It's the first two letters of his name and the last three of your's."

Michael walked by at that moment and his eyes got wide. "Thanks for her password Saedi!"

She just laughed. I got pissed. "Fuck both of you..."


So yep... .-. This sucks ass... Oh well. Ish happens.

LaLaLexxie ^_^

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