Chapter 14

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~Alexis' POV~

"No! Alexis! Don't you dare run away from me!" Michael continued to yell out.

I did not want to be the one to run away from something I wanted, but I also did not want to see Michael beat up Bryce. You could say he deserved it, but I would never want to see anyone gethurt like that. No one should "deserve" to be beaten like that unless it was a punishment for the murder of someone. Even then, I would rather see them locked up for the rest of their life than to see them in agonizing pain. Bryce never killed anyone, that I know of, and I am certain that Bryce did not mean to purposely hurt anyone.

As much as he threatens me, I always take it as a joke, because we are friends.

Images of Bryce on the ground kept flooding my thoughts as I found a spot to hide and breathe for a while. Why would anyone do such a horrible thing?

"I already lost you once, I'm not going to have that happen again," Michael stated quietly, but I could hear him clearly.

"No, Michael. You didn't lose me. I lost you."
We both paused our movements, but as I started to walk in the direction of my house, Michael slammed his fists against the brick wall with his head hanging low.


I sat in my room with my curtains down and my door locked. It wasn't nighttime yet, but I was tired out. Maybe it was from the continuous flow of tears that kept dripping down my face. Maybe it was the fact that I lost one of the most important people in my life. Maybe it was because the guy who stayed by my side when another left was beaten and bruised by the person who hurt me.

I knew Michael was also in his room. The only difference: Michael was waiting for me. He was waiting for me to talk to him again; to make contact with him. I could have texted and called him, but I did not want to face him at all.

I texted Bryce.


~Michael's POV~

She just doesn't realize what you did for her. She'll eventually thank you.

It felt like it was just a quick punch to his stomach. It felt like that was all I did. Now it's been two hours and she hasn't done anything about it. I haven't done anything wrong.
It was Bryce that did something wrong. He used people like Alexis for his own personal benefit.

Every so often, I looked through my window to see if Alexis had finally opened her blinds. Every time I did, there was no signs of her.

"Michael?" my mom called from downstairs, "Ashton's coming up to talk to you."

"Fuck off, Ashton," I groaned as he walked in.

"Don't fucking swear, Michael," he sassed.

Sitting down on my chair, Ashton took out his phone.

"Remember when you were best friends with Alexis?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I rolled my eyes.

"Remember when you left her? Ashton smiled slyly.

"You little-"

"Now that I think about it, I don't think she's even in your league."

Ashton looked me right in the eye and grinned. It disgusted me. The person who I thought would always be supportive of me was sitting right in front of me and trashed me like I was nothing.

Standing up and walking to my door, I signaled for Ashton to leave. "Go, Ashton. Your presence here has never been needed."

He pushed himself off of the bed and sauntered out, bumping my shoulder as he exited.

"After what you did, you have no chance with Alexis."


Short chapters suck, but the next one is one of my favorite ones. I probably did another double update, so go ahead and just start reading the next chapter too. ^_^


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