Chapter 17

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~Alexis' POV~

"Strip Truth or Dare?" I asked in disbelief. Sure, it was a party, but was it necessary to include the possibility of taking off clothing? 

"I promise, as long as you do the dare or tell the truth, you can stay fully clothed," Bryce pleaded.

Part of me was intrigued to play along, but the other half of me just wanted to leave. After thinking it over, I gave in, "Fine. If you say it won't be that bad, I believe you."

"Great!" Bryce smiled and took my hand in his.

We made our way to the circle of people sitting in the living room. Anyone and everyone who was "popular" were sitting all together, ready to play.

As I sat down on an empty sofa, next to Bryce, Sophie called out, "Hey, Alexis! You missed tryouts this morning. Are you going to try out tomorrow after school?"

Sophie Vega was the captain of our school's cheer team. She always had a smile on her face, but I never knew if it was genuine. Her chestnut hair was styled in a high ponytail and wrapped in ribbons while her sea green eyes beamed at me from where she sat.

"Are you?" she asked again.

"Y-Yeah. I guess I could," I stuttered.

Is being a cheerleader even worth it? Would I even be allowed to hang out with anyone other than other cheerleaders and jocks?

With thoughts running through my mind, I did not realize that the game had started.


"Alexisss," Adam slurred for emphasis. "Truth or dare?"

So far, Sophie was dared to straddle Jackson, another one of the athletes at our school, Bryce streaked throughout the neighborhood, and Adam refused to say who his first kiss was, resulting in him taking off his burgundy bomber jacket.


Either choice would lead to a disaster, and picking truth prevented me from having to do anything stupid.

"Have you gone all the way with anyone?" Adam smirked before chugging down his beer.

My face burned bright red as everyone had their eyes on me, waiting for my response. My answer should not even bother them, so I just told them.

"No," I brushed my bangs behind my ear as I nervously replied.

"Bryce! C'mon now," Adam jokingly punched at Bryce.

"I'm just going to go ahead and get me another drink," I quietly stated, and Bryce nodded me off.

I got up from my seat and walked to the french doors leading to the kitchen area. Getting another Rum and Coke, I felt a pair of arms slither around my waist. Their head rested on my shoulder and they kissed my neck.

"Bryce, I know it's you," I groaned, turning around, "Don't tell me you're drunk. You won't be able to go home."

Bryce slumped against the wall and murmured, "Then I'll stay the night with you."

I sighed and checked my phone for the time. The picture of me and Saedi on our first day of high school popped up, along with a time I did not want to see. 

10:48 PM.

Here I was, at a party with people that never really talked to me. I should be at home right now, getting some sleep for tomorrow.

As if he read my mind, Bryce spoke up, "You just got another drink. You're not just going to leave it, are you?"

"This is the last time I agree to do anything with you on a Monday," I said before downing my drink.


The night was still "young," but it was getting late. There was school tomorrow, and I could tell that Bryce would have a hangover.

How many drinks did he even have?

I told Adam that I was going to take Bryce home and he helped me get Bryce into the passenger seat.

"Don't get too wild tonight," Adam winked before closing the door and giving me a thumbs up.

Driving in the direction of my house, I decided it would be for the best that Bryce would crash at my place. After all, my mom wouldn't mind me helping out a friend.

"Hey, Alexis," Bryce whispered, "As much as I would like to, I probably shouldn't stay the night."

"Don't be silly. You're going to need a ride to school anyway, so you might as well just stay," I replied, quickly kissing his cheek.

His eyes fluttered close and his head began to tilt to one side, but right before he would fall asleep, Bryce's body jerked upward, waking him up.

"Either you didn't drink much, or you have a really... a really high tolerance for alcohol," he murmured as his head hit his seat's window.

"Maybe both?" I stated, "We're here, Bryce."

Knowing my way around our small, minuscule town, I took a route that avoided most of the major intersections. Even though it was the late night, major roads were always busy.

I helped Bryce out of the car, and into the building, making sure all doors were locked in the process. My mom was already asleep, but there was a note on the kitchen counter next to a bottle of aspirin.

I hope you and Bryce didn't drink too much. It's not even legal at your age, but just in case, I got you some aspirin.
-Love Mom

Shoving the bottle into my bag, I helped Bryce to my room, down in the basement. With each step down, he groaned and clutched his stomach.

"You poor thing," I cooed, sitting him down on my bed, "Take off your jacket and you can get some rest."

He slipped off his jacket and instantly leaned back, hitting the fluffy, teal comforter that was crumpled up. It was 11:29 and I wanted to sleep, but for some reason, I could not. I walked over to my bathroom and wiped my makeup off before changing into shorts and a tank top.

When I came back to my room, Bryce was laying down with my blanket over him. His white t-shirt displayed his biceps like they were trophies, and his face was mushed up against one of my pillows. I couldn't resist the urge to snap a picture of the moment. Pulling out my phone, I opened the camera app and took the picture.

"Alexisss?" Bryce slurred, rubbing his eye gently, "Come here."

One of his arms was spread across the bed and another waited by his side, as if he were inviting me to lay down with him. I slid right next to him, laying on his arm and pulled the covers over my legs and part of my torso. Bryce wrapped his free arm around my waist and squeezed me softly, before falling asleep. It didn't take that much time before my eyelids felt heavy, and before I knew it, comfort overcame me and I closed my eyes.

Wrapped up in sheets with Bryce, I finally had a chance to rest.



This is supposed to be a Michael Clifford fanfic. lol

I see some Michael action in the near future ;)

Could be the next chapter, could be the one after that... Who knows these days?

Oh wait... I do.

(Forgive me with my random outburst. I wrote this chapter and note at 12-3 AM. Thanks for the support and lots of love. ^_^ xoxo)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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