Chapter 5

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~Michael's POV~

-7:30 AM; Homeroom-

Second day of school. What a dread. The whole purpose of me coming to this place is because of the music program- and maybe because my parents are making me, but mainly the music. Just before the final bell rang, I plopped into my seat. I looked to my left and noticed that Alexis wasn't sitting in her chair. She was not anywhere in the classroom. Turning around, I never saw Saedi either.

And to think... I could've asked where she was...

Ashton kicked my seat which snapped me out of my daze. "Do you have any idea where Alexis is?" he asked me. By the look on his face, it was clear that he was worried. Does he really have a crush on her?

"Why would you care?" I turned to the front of the classroom as I spoke.

"You can't deny that it was one of the first things on your mind, Michael."

~Alexis's POV~

-The Johnsons' Residence-


I was still in bed after a long day, being with Saedi after all. My tongue felt swollen and my lip was still in pain. Sitting up, I got my phone out and used my camera to examine my mouth. The new piercings were a pain, but they looked great. I had not bothered to check the time until I saw Saedi still sleeping on the floor.

7:30 AM appeared on the alarm clock. I jumped out of my bed and woke Saedi up, which took a good minute or so. She grabbed her change of clothes and went to my bathroom to change while I went straight to my closet. Last night, I had already arranged my clothes for today, so I quickly changed into the newly purchased clothes. Between my "old" sets of clothing and the two new ones I now have, it was a complete change in style. Saedi opened the bathroom door and as I was walking by, she pulled me in.

"Now, we have to do your makeup. And for special purposes, I'm going to be your makeup artist for the day!" she cheerfully stated.

As she got the eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara ready, I tried to convince her that it was not necessary. Being herself, Saedi denied it, claiming that it was definitely needed. Wanting to get this over with, I went ahead and put the eye shadow primer on. After that, I took the black eye shadow from Saedi's hand and began applying it to my eyelids.

"Hey... I was supposed to be your-"

In a rush, I stopped her mid sentence, "There's no fucking time for that. Maybe next time Saedi."

I then put on the metallic silver eyeliner she handed me and soon after, the volumizing mascara we had bought. By the time we were ready to leave, it was already around eight o'clock. Saedi seemed pretty calm about this, but I on the other hand was not. Nothing was worse than knowing that I was late for anything.

"Just stay calm," Saedi told me while she drove, "I didn't know you would be such a hassle to fix up in the morning."

"I am not!" I argued, "I just have a different way to get ready... That doesn't include makeup or fixing my hair this much."

"Get used to it. It's going to be a part of your daily routine starting sometime soon."

"What if I don't like it after a while?"

Saedi smirked, "Trust me. You will love it when someone notices you and keeps telling you how much it suits you."

"Does the straight hair really suit me?"

"Yes. Especially since you let me poof it. The rebel clothing is nice too."

"I guess we'll see later on today then."

Saedi parked the car and we went inside the school building. 8:21. At least we made it for music...


Hey there Fluffballs! You've read this far? I'm so happy!!! ^_^

Once again, I don't have anything all that important to tell you guys except that I appreciate the support and the fact that you read my stories. Other than that, I hope you have a nice rest of your day or night.

Love you guyss <3


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