Chapter 9

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Quick A.N.

Um. Hi. So school is a bitch and it's really closing up my free time. *sighs* That means slower updates. *cries*

If you haven't already, you should go check out my other books. I've heard they're great. ;)

Well, anyway, go ahead and read this chapter. You deserve it.


~Michael's POV~

Did I really just do what I think I did? Did I seriously just ask Alexis out? Truth be told, I really do like Alexis. She just never seemed to be the kind of girl I would date. I was the guy who would skip all of his classes and she was the one who was always early. While she was dressed all sophisticated, I wore band T-shirts and ripped skinny jeans. Alexis is the kind of girl who everyone expects the best from and she still manages to surpass their expectations. What do people expect from me? Nothing. I am the guy who just sits around waiting for nothing. The two of us are polar opposites, yet I still asked her out?

I could not help but smile to myself that she agreed to go with me. Adding to that, I am amazed that she just so suddenly changed. Personality wise, she did not, but her new look was stunning. I have a thing for piercings, and now seeing that Alexis has gotten her lip pierced, it pulls me towards her even more. The striking blue tips of her hair? It brings out the color in her eyes. Everything about this "new" Alexis gave me a warm, internal feeling.

I decided to drive back to Ash's place to see what I should do.


"You asked her on a date?" Ashton screeched, "Do you even have any idea where you're going to take her?"

I sighed, "Well, not exactly, but the traditional dinner and a movie is good, right?"

When it came to dates, I never really knew what to do. Most of the time, I would rather just sit at home and play video games, but from past experiences, I knew that was never a great idea. For some reason, girls would rather go out for dinner or to the mall. They just wanted to go anywhere opposed to just staying in a room.

"Michael. Alexis's not the typical girl. I am pretty sure you don't even know what she likes anymore."

"Yeah, you're probably right, Ashton. Last time I talked to her as a friend was fucking six or seven years ago! Back when she liked ponies!" I sat down and ran a hand through my hair.

"What would you do on a perfect date then, Mike?" Ashton asked.

"I don't know, probably just relax at home and play video games. Maybe order some pizza; snuggle up on the couch? But she would probably not like it as a first date..."

"There. After your first date, you know what you'll do next with Alexis," he went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, "It really isn't that difficult to come up with plans."


~Alexis's POV~


I heard a faint voice.

Alexis. Come on sweetie.

Alexis! Wake up. I have lunch ready.

"Food?" I rolled onto my back and stretched my arms out.

My mom pulled me up into a sitting position, "It's downstairs."

Yawning, I made my way out of my room, down the stairs, and into the dining area. On the table, there were two plates. Both with some rotisserie chicken and french bread. Next to my dish was a salad. "Thank you, Mum."

"You're welcome. Oh, before I forget. Your father is supposed to be coming home in a month."

"Really? Seriously? As in four weeks?" To all my reaction questions, she nodded. Happiness overcame me, but then I remembered my dad's opinion on "punkish" looks. "He- He's not going to be dissapointed with my new look, is he?"

"Of course not. If he is, then oh well. I approve of it right? And because of that, he'll be fine with it."

"I guess so, I'm just going to finish eating. Could I go out later tonight? At like 7 or 7:30?" I asked as my mom went back to the stairs.

"Is it with Michael?"

"Yes?" I replied with a questioning tone; not sure if it was a good or bad thing.

"I suppose so. The boy is harmless! Just be safe and have fun. I'm going to visit your grandmother tonight too," she responded heading up to her room.


5:30 PM

My mom left a good hour ago, so I've just been sitting around looking through all my social media. My phone chimed, alerting me of a new text.


So I was wondering if you wanted to leave earlier...

I texted Michael back quickly.

You could pick me up at 6:30. I'm still not quite ready.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair was messed up and that my outfit didn't match the occasion.

That can easily be fixed.

I switched from my sundress to a red crop top and a black skirt that went to about my mid-thigh. My makeup consisted of bright red lipstick, smokey black eyeshadow, and black eyeliner. I left my hair straightened and put on a pair of Swarovski hoop earrings.

Once I finished up, I checked my phone. It was 6:35 and there were 35 unread messages. All from Michael.

Where are you?

One text after another, I read "Where are you?" It was like Michael had absolutely nothing else to do.

I heard sounds coming from near my window, so I went to see what was happening. Michael was standing by a small pile of rocks; throwing them at the window. I opened it up and smiled at him. He looked up and stared at me.

"I'll be down!" I told me as I closed the window and curtain.


"W-well, um, y-you look nice tonight A-Alexis," Michael stuttered.

"I see that you actually have skinny jeans on instead of ripped ones," I said slipping on my heels.

"Oh, yeah. It took me forever to find them. It's still nothing compared to what you're wearing."

Michael did that cute thing where he ran his hand through his hair whenever he got nervous.

"Hey, Mikey. Don't be that person who gets nervous on a date. I don't like those people." I reached out to grab his hand and interlocked our fingers together.

"It's hard when the person you're going on a date with is like you," he replied while we walked to his car.

"You're just saying that because of my blue hair. And maybe my lip ring."

Michael opened the car door for me, waiting until I took a seat so he could close the door. "Or maybe it's because I wanted to spend time with you?"

"Just about 10 hours ago, you didn't like me," I reminded him as I put my seatbelt on.

"I changed my mind. Now, I want to take you on a date, and that's what I'm going to do."

"Having blue hair doesn't automatically make you punk rock you know," I teased once the car started moving.

"I am so punk rock Alexis. You don't even know."

"Totally," I mocked, "You're punk rock. You can do what you want."


I love blue hair Mikey. It's so cute. Adorable. Hot. Even if it's old. I don't give a flapping fuck. Blue hair Michael is to die for.

Anyway, like I said before, school is starting to consume my free time so updates will be somewhat slower. I is sorry...

That's all I really have to say, so I love you all and thanks for reading. ^-^


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