Chapter 12

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~Third-Person's POV~
Michael dropped his "dream girl" off at home and left.
Alexis did not want him to leave.
He was not aware that she endlessly loved him.
She wondered if it was because he liked her.
He pulled up to his house next door.
She wanted him with her.
He went up to his room and left his blinds closed.
She peeked through hers to see if he tried to see her again...
~Michael's POV~
I just wanted her to feel happy; that's why I didn't deny her from going back home. It was late, and she seemed to be annoyed, so I had to drop her off.
My mom was at work late and Alexis said her mom went out, so I took my chance, and took her out.
I can tell she enjoyed it, I liked it just as much as she did. It was nice to be with her again. Alexis made me feel happy, and inspired me to do something with my life. Alexis still makes me feel happy, and still inspires me. In return, I have done absolutely nothing for her.
And I regret that.
~Alexis' POV~
He just brought me back home like I had asked him to. I do not know what I was expecting during that moment when he brought me to my door. Was I expecting him to keep looking for me? Trying to be with me? I had no idea at this point.
I do know that I wanted to see him.
By now, my mom would be coming home, so I decided to get ready to go to bed since I had to go to school tomorrow. Stupid Volleyball practice being on a Sunday.
I wiped off my makeup and stripped out of my clothes. The next thing I know, warm water is cascading down my body; making me feel relaxed. I shampooed my hair and applied a light coat of conditioner to the tips. I soaped my body and got out.
I decided that today would be my "Spa Day," so I set up my jet tub and slid in. The jets served as a massage and brought me into a state of bliss. To better my situation, I just laid back and let my life melt away for as long as I could.
Alexis, where are you?
Oh my god...
"Alexis! There you are!"
I opened my eyes and found Michael staring down at me. Once I realized my current condition, I reached for my towel and wrapped it around my body. I drained my bath water and rushed out of the bathroom. Michael stood still with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Hey, Alexis?" Michael called out as he walked towards my closet, "Y'know you have nothing to be scared of. I practically saw you half-naked already."
"Seeing me in under-garments and seeing me naked are two completely different things, Michael!" I exclaimed as I shut my closet door.
I grabbed my Green Day tank top, a red plaid flannel, and my ripped skinny jeans. I put my hair up in the towel and walked back out.
"It looks like we have similar tastes in bands," Michael stated as he took off his jacket.
He wore one of his many Green Day tanks and a pair of dark-washed jeans. Altogether, he was looking pretty damn fine.
"What time is it?" I asked with a yawn.
"Why do you think I came to get you?" he countered.
"What does that have to do with anything?!"
"5:50 AM."
"You're going to be late. You have 10 minutes. I'll drive you."
"No, no. You don't have to. I already knocked out in the bath for more than 5 hours... I don't need your help."
"I'm not asking if you want it. I'm going to bring you there either way."
"Whatever. Go grab my volleyball gear from that corner."
I jogged out of my room and went downstairs to grab a banana. I then went into Michael's car.
"It's like we're a couple," Michael smiled.
"I don't like it," I responded.
We arrived at the school building and both of us got out.
"Wait. Why are you getting out?" I asked him.
"Same reason as you're here," he responded.
There was no way he would try out for football or basketball...
"Sure. If you want me to go and watch you I will."
"Does that mean you were going to try out for a sport?!"
"Yeah, why not?"
"First off, you don't have any-"
"I have gear," he simply said as he popped his trunk.
"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TRYING OUT FOR FOOTBALL?!" I practically screamed, "You're insane, Michael."
"Why do you say that?"
"It's senior year and you haven't played at all."
"Backup Quarterback. I still made the team, Alexis."
He had a depressed look on his face and his overall image was saddened.
"No, Michael," I sighed, "I didn't mean it like that..."
"I know," he replied walking to the front entrance, "I know you would never mean to hurt someone you like."

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