Chapter 13

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I feel like such a horrible person for writing this chapter you guys... It's also very dialogue-oriented and yeah. I don't know how to feel about these characters anymore. You can go and read the story now.


~Alexis' POV~

"Go away, Bryce."
Saedi and I wore our volleyball attire and Bryce decided to pay us a little visit.
"C'mon Alexis. You have got to be the luckiest girl in school to have gotten my attention."
"Do you mind? I'm trying to focus and you're being annoying," I took a seat on the gym bleachers.
"Go on ahead and do whatever you were doing. Just don't be a bitch about it. None of it is necessary," Bryce leaned against the wall by the guys' locker room.
"Me?" my eyes widened, "Are you seriously calling me the bitch in this situation?"
"Why not? I basically have control over you and you know it."
"Fuck off."
I stepped back into the court and we continued our pre-game practice. I could still feel Bryce's eyes focusing in on me. Knowing him, he was probably ecstatic that volleyball was a sport at our school; spandex shorts and girls squatting were apparently intriguing to many of the male athletes.
Our actual game seemed to zoom by quickly, and I found myself walking out to the football field with two water bottles in hand.
"Look who came by for a visit."
Two arms snaked around from behind me and pulled me closer. My instinct was to kick back, and I turned around to see Michael clutching his stomach.
"Why do you have to be so god damn strong?" he squeaked.
"Flexibility and leg exercises go well together," I replied handing him one of the bottles, "You look parched."
"Stop it with the big words," he began before drinking the water, "Oh, you should go to that cheer tryout thing tomorrow. You could really put your ability to good use."
"My ability?"
"Yes, your ability."
Michael then attempted to lift his foot over his head. He ended up looking like a retarded goose. A very attractive retarded goose.
"Okay, I guess I will. Might as well since I got booted off the volleyball team."
"They kicked you off?"
"Apparently, it's not appropriate to knock some sense into a certain person named Bryce Anderson while he's looking at you the way a dog would look at bacon."
Michael and I both giggled.
"It's even funnier because I could do two things. One, make a perverted joke, or two, call him a dog."
"Well, I don't want to here any kind of joke right now so, I'll pass."
"You're no fun..."
"Go back out there. You better be the starting quarterback the next time you talk to me. Now go."
I wasn't lying when I said that I wanted Michael to be the starting QB of the school's team the next time we talked. I just felt bad that I did not recognize him for being on the team for the past 3 years. Football Michael was also a source of my weakness. He was well-built for a guy that sits around playing video games and sitting in the back of any location.


"Hey! Alexis!" Michael jogged up to me; his blue hair covered with a small amount of sweat.
"What?" I asked with a smile plastered on my face.
"Guess who's the backup QB this season."
The wide grin and glowing facial expression left me to want to tease him for being overly happy.
"Nooo," he began, "Bryce is!"
"Did my punk rock idiot make the starting team?"
"Yes, your punk rock idiot did."
"I only have one question. How?"
"I guess I really wanted to talk to you again," he smiled at me again, for what felt like the fifth time.
"I'll take that answer," I nodded as we walked in the direction of the locker room entries, "I think you will increase my already high love of football every time if see you in gear."
"And if you do become a cheerleader," Michael began, "I think you'll increase my already high love of you."
"Is someone being a little cheeky right now?"
I leaned on a wall as Michael head inside to change.
Beep. Beep.
I checked my phone and to not much of a surprise, Bryce sent me a text.

You might as well just listen to me since I know how to get into your pants Johnson.


~Michael's POV~

As I was pulling on my shirt, someone shoved me into my locker.
"Hey, you like Alexis right, Michael?" Bryce maintained a tight grip on the collar of my shirt.
"What difference would it make if I did or didn't?"
It was probably a bad move to back talk Mr. Bryce "former starting quarterback for two consecutive years" Anderson. EIther way, I was pretty god damn sure I didn't care.
"Don't play smart with me," he sneered, "You might want to cut back on those cigarettes. They seem to be affecting your ability to think."
He threw me down to the ground and I swear my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. For a short amount of time, oxygen was unable to reach my lungs and my body felt numb. It could have also been because Bryce kept a foot on my chest to keep me down.
"You don't want to know what I do to the people that piss me off."
As if he did not already look pissed. "I thought I already did. And besides, how much worse could it possibly be?"
"Is that a threat? I hope you'll enjoy how Alexis reacts to what you're doing."
"What is that supposed to mean exactly?" There was no way that Bryce had anything against me at this point. I simply took his spot on the football team, and took "his girl" away from him, but I would rather believe that I am just a better person than him.
"It means that you don't know how you're affecting her. You have no fucking clue as to how that girl works."
"You- Shut up! I swear, if it's the last thing I do to you..."
I pushed his foot off of me and stood up. I shoved him into the lockers like he had done previously and punched him in his stomach.
In my mind, I could only think of one thing- scratch that, one person: Alexis. I pictured the times that she was convinced that she loved this sleaze. The times that they laughed, and all the times he had her under his arms. For every moment that passed through my thoughts, I could not help but strike at Bryce, one punch after another.
After what felt like only a few seconds, Bryce sat limp in the corner of the locker room with bruises covering his face and a little trickle of blood beginning from his nose and trailing past his lower lip.
He looked up at me and one of his eyes was covered by its swollen, purple eyelid. The one eye that did properly work was red and watery. Taking a closer look, I noticed that Bryce had an open cut along his jawline and little red beads of blood began to merge together.
There was no way that I had done this in a matter of seconds.
Alexis! She was still waiting for me outside. How would I tell her that I did this?
I turned around and put my gear into my bag and zipped it up.
"D-Don't get any c-closer to me, M-Michael."


Do you hate me? It's okay. I'll make the story happy again. xx

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