Chapter 11

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~Alexis's POV~

"I hate you so fucking much," I mumbled while walking hand in hand with Michael, "Don't bring me to scary movies."

"There is nothing scary about The Conjuring. It's just filled with jumpscares," he countered, grinning at our current state.

"It's scary. Hence the name, jumpscare, Michael."

"Fine, fine. You are going to absolutely love dinner though."

"What, are you going to bring me to some kind of fancy place that's supposed to be 'memorable' for me?" I asked not expecting Michael to answer.

"You'll see," Michael stated, "And you'll love it."

We got into the car and I enjoyed the ride to our dinner location, my hand and Michael's intertwined.


We sat at a bench in the neighborhood park. There was something fairly familiar about being here with Michael, but I just could not bring my mind to know why. The way the sky seemed to be lively and bright, even at dark; the lightposts that spread across the entire place, it all fit in with each other to create a beautiful scenery.

"A park? How cliché, Clifford," I looked into his green eyes, and the look on his face simply showed surprise.

"You don't remember?" Michael smirked.

"Would I be like this if I did?" I crossed my arms and tilted my head to the left.

"One hint," was all he said as he pointed to the playset in the middle of the park.

I looked at him with confusion plastered on my face. "It's a swing-set? I am so lost right now."

"You know what, forget about it for now. You'll remember when we go home," he sighed as he laid the blanket a few feet away from where I sat.


~Michael's POV~

"Michael?" Alexis asked once our picnic was all set up.


"What happened to us?"

Us. I have no idea.

I looked up at Alexis. Her eyes glimmering in the breathtaking moonlight; there was not a single way for me to ignore her for these many years. How I had been so stupid to ignore such beauty? I don't even have a single clue.


I snapped out of my trance and commented, "Uh, I guess-"

C'mon Michael. Talk like a god damn normal person.

"I guess we just took a little time away from each other," I smiled.

Alexis had the same expression on her face as before. A questioning look. That face she always does when she expects something more. Her expression showed dissapointment.

"Yeah, I guess so," she turned to face the other direction and loked at her phone. "Shit! Shit shit shit shit."

"What?" I flinched.

"The time. It's past curfew," terror filled her once shining eyes.

"Hey," I pulled her closer, "It's okay. Your mom said you could stay out with me; we both know that."

Alexis pushed herself away from me. "I- I want to go home, Michael. I- I need to go home. Now."

She stood up and started to pack up the remains of our picnic. I didn't want her to leave me just yet. I wanted her to stay the night with me. Just the two of us. We could have even played Fifa.


I'm sorry for the short chapter. I don't have an inspiration...

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