Chapter 5 - I am so third wheeling

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Picture of Shay at the top
More to come

Shay's POV

The room I had ended up in was nice, messy but nice. Picking up a T-shirt I smelt it to see if it was clean and of course the door had to open to reveal Calum the exact second I was smelling the shirt. It took a few moments for him to realise the situation but when he did he snapped.

"what the fuck are you doing?" he questioned in a pissed voice.

"Ummwellyouseeweheardsomeonecomingandranandiendedupinherebutthenineededanothert-shirtcauseminesdirty and.." My words slurred together because of my nervousness.
"Alright I'm not going to kill you al right just talk slower" Calum said his voice slow and calm.

"Umm well you see we heard someone coming and ran and I ended up in here but then I needed another T-shirt cause mines dirty" I said this time slower.
"Alright well put the shirt on and leave, ok" he said simply and gestured to a separate door leading to a bathroom. Blushing fiercely (as we freckle, pale people do) I stumbled towards the door embarrassment coursing through me.

Calum's POV

After the girls left us on stage in complete and utter shock we played our last, 18 and said goodnight to the crowed. As we walked down the hall we heard familiar laughter and hushed whispers, we walked quicker hoping to find out what they were talking about. Sadly they heard our footsteps and ran like literally ran. The last thing we heard was Holly yell whispering "shit run", a door close and then silence cloaked us. I knew something was up and I was hoping we weren't going to be pranked.

Cautiously opening the door to my dressing room I was insanely surprised to find Shay standing the middle of the room. She was holding one of my shirts and I think sniffing it??

"what the fuck are you doing?" I questioned my anger clearly showing in my voice.

"Ummwellyouseeweheardsomeonecomingandranandiendedupinherebutthenineededanothert-shirtcauseminesdirty and.." she replied, her words slurring together.

"Alright I'm not going to kill you al right just talk slower" I said softer this time, trying to calm her for some reason. I was meant to be pissed but seeing her all flustered and blushing just made me want to hug her. What the fuck Calum get yourself together this is Shay we're talking about she single handedly made you freak out in front of fans and then embarrassed me and my band mates in front of around 6 to 7 hundred fans.

"Umm well you see we heard someone coming and ran and I ended up in here but then I needed another T-shirt cause mines dirty"she said this time slower, whilst taking deep breathes.

"Alright well put the shirt on and leave, ok" I replied sighing loudly and running my hands through my hair. She stumbled into the separate bathroom and when I say stumbled I mean ran and fell into the room. I laughed out loud but quickly caught myself and silenced, hoping she hadn't heard me.

When she excited the bathroom she looked, well, let's just say holy shit. She had let her hair down and my shirt was to big for her, covering her short making it appear as though she wasn't wearing shorts. Crap.

"were you just lau..." she started to say but I quickly cut her of.

"no, not at all, creepy fan girl" I quickly said using my new nick-name for her because I knew it would piss her of big time.
"Wait what, did you just call me a creepy fan girl" she asked her voice raising and her hands now placed on her hips.
"Yeah and you shouldn't have a problem cause your meant to worship the ground I work on" I smirked hoping she would snap. Why? You ask, why do you want to make her angry? Well she's cute when's she angry and it's fun and fuck. Luckily for me this last statement set her off.
"1- I don't even like you guys that much, I'm only here for my friends 2-little anxiety completely whooped your guys ass on stage and petty much stole you show and 3- good luck getting out of he door you big headed egotistical fuck" she yelled and walked out the door. Daum.

Shay's POV

After my outburst I stormed out of the door sorely pissed and he was gonna pay. Calling the girls to ask where they were I ended up with a noisy reply.
"Hey shay wats up, where are you?" Abby shouted over the music. I heard laughs and voices in the back ground and quickly replied not wanting to spend one more second this close to Calum.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing, so we're are you guys" I questioned and once I got an answer I hung up and headed towards Michaels dressing room. It wasn't far from Calum's dressing room only around a couple corners and I was at the door before no time. Not sure whether I should knock first I chose my kinda option and walked straight in, hopping they were keeping it PG.
"Yo girl" the girls yelled in unison and were followed by the boys shouting "come on in babe". Looking around Bethany and Michael were yelling at a TV screen with call of duty in it. Luke and Abby were discussing penguins of any sort. And Holly and Ashton were playing the game of life, don't ask me why. I was so third wheeling.

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