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[[Omg. I cannot. I am in the weakest state at night- please don't take advantage of me- I will CRY if you show me anything that involves being strong or staying strong because I know I'm weak af and can't do shit- I'm sorry- I'm pretty fucking useless. Omg... I fucking cannot rn help. I'm at this Buddhist thing (I'm not a Buddhist. Again, I do not have a religion). My parents brought me here and ffuuuuuuuu--- I can't I'm crying omg. I'm freaking crying. Kids younger than me has more talent than me. I can't...

People (especially guys) who can shake their hips. Omg... I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE REAL, FUCKING ASSHOLES-- please do me-- wait what no- Kotobuki Reiji-

Anyways!! Hope You Enjoy! (I have no idea what I'm writing for this chapter yet- but I'll start)

Weird things above: 24/7/2015, 9.07pm

Alright- I'm back. To normal-- and back here! I'm gonna focus more on your family now, kay? Cause I've been LOVING the new story- /probably the only one who fangirls over any adorableness/ Hope You'll Forgive the weirdness in this part! Idk man. :3

Hope You Enjoy!

Started: 24/7/2015, 10.13pm


Started: 28/7/2015, 7.01am

  "Tooru. Come on!"

  As usual, on your anniversary, for the past 10 years... Woah, 10 years. Can you imagine the amount of time you've been with Oikawa? Guess how long?

  7 years of dating, 2 years of engagement, that's already 9 years altogether. After 3 years of hesitating, you two finally had twins, and now their already 17. 29 years, huh? That's how long the two of you have been together.

  Holding his hand, the two of you walked towards the cinemas.

  You guys, well, were 46, wasn't it? Yeah... Even so, not much of a difference, only a few extra wrinkles.

  "So, any movies?"

  You shrugged. "That one?"


  "Aw, come on."

  "............ Fine." Oikawa sighed, giving in to his beautiful girlfriend. His smile was visible on his face, watching the beautiful smile on your face come to life.

  Holding your hand as usual, he gently carressed the back of it with his thumb, his head slowly placed itself on your shoulder, causing you to giggle, "Tooru, we're way too old for this shit-"

  "You are, I'm not." He replied, humming.

  Annoyed, you moved your shoulder and Oikawa almost fell, "(F/N)!" He hissed, causing a few shushing from behind the two of you.

  Oikawa just wrapped your hand with his, as your focus returned to the screen in front of you. He started to place kisses on the back of your hand, giving you the comfort you already knew you had, but still always surprised you with the love he gave you.

  The movie ended soon enough and you two walked out, discussing about the ending. Oikawa agreeing to disagree like he always did, since he was too busy having his focus on you than the movie.

  Honestly, every time it was your anniversary, everything in his eyes went back to the way it was when he first met you. His surroundings, his feelings, brand new, and of course, the you in his eyes didn't have to change. You were the same, always have been. So what if you grew old? So what about the wrinkles? So what? He didn't care how you looked, he cared about who you were inside, and all this while, the who you were inside had never changed, still sweet and loving. And forever sweet and loving. He wanted to shower you with all the love he could ever give to a person. He wanted to protect you and the family. He knew he needed you to an extent that if he lost you, he wouldn't know what to do with his life. He loved you. So much.

  As for you, you felt as if Oikawa treated you the way he always did, not missing out on any love he had given you. You gave love back as well, after all, you knew he needed it as a confirmation of your love for him. Obviously, you couldn't say you didn't want to, because giving him love and giving your family love was all you ever wanted to do. You wanted to hold him and kiss him, and hug him like all those years before. Time couldn't turn back but memories could. You would rewind your memories, recalling every single time you've met. The day he confessed was the clearest, and came the day he proposed. The day he did every single thing that made you happy. You loved him. So much.

  Arriving back home after dinner, you went to bathe, having to kick Oikawa out of the bathroom. And after that was Oikawa's turn. You sighed and entered the bed, snuggling into your side and comfy blanket. You heard the water stop and rustling, then the bed being pressed down, so you turned around to face your love.

  "Good night love."

  "Good night dumbass." You giggled.


[[Haha fuck. There is this really Hella good story I found, Damaged. I FUCKING love it. Thanks For Reading!]]

Finished: 29/7/2015, 7.55am

(Haikyuu) Oikawa x Reader AFTERSTORYWhere stories live. Discover now