Never Perfect

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[[I'm sorry it took a long time. I actually had an idea of what to write but I just never have been in the mood to write. Anyways. Here~~~ Hope You Enjoy!!]]

Started: 28/2/2016, 6.00pm


  "(F/N)? Did you see my watch?"

  "No, I didn't."

  "You kept the room that day, and you're telling me you didn't see it?" Oikawa opened the next drawer, flipping everything upside down to look for it.

  "Well, it's because I kept the room that I didn't see it!" You glared at the one blaming you for the loss of his watch. Your day was going quite bad already with the call you got from a colleague and he wasn't making it any better.

  You really didn't see his watch. It was just two days ago when you kept the room and you knew you didn't take it, let alone see it, yet here he was, blaming you for the loss of his watch.

  "It's an important watch! My dad got it for me!" He grumbled as he continued to search the drawers for it, messing up the little area around him.

  "Tooru, I'll help you search for it after I'm done with this so please don't mess up the room!"

  "Well, I need it now!" He was frustrated, clearly shown by his action of throwing the clothes supposingly folded nicely on the floor.

  "Can't you give me a second?! And stop throwing things around!" You turned around, pissed now. Couldn't he just calm down and wait instead of mess up the room you kept?!

  "Just shut up and let me think!"

  He snapped his head at your direction, his glare piercing through you.

  You sighed, "you're always like this!"

  Oikawa felt like you were insulting him, and immediately went on the defensive, "Oh yeah? So are you!"

  You frowned, and he continued, just above a whisper with a sigh, "Why did I even marry you...?"

  You felt a pang and holding back tears, you slammed open the door and stormed out, barely holding back from crying.

  In the room, Oikawa had his head in his hands, sitting on the side of the bed, he sighed once again. He could hear the slam of the front door then Shun's quiet footsteps arriving at the door of the room. "Dad...?" His son's comforting voice reached his ears and he looked up, the spot between his eyebrows still furrowed.


  "I think you screwed up a bit there..."

  With a short silence, Oikawa sighed one more time and replied, "yeah... I think so too..."

  He sat there thinking. His day was as shit as yours was and that was why he was irritated very easily but thinking about it when he was calmer, he realised that what he said to you might have been overdoing it. There were shit loads of reasons he didn't want to marry you, but the reasons he wanted and absolutely HAD to marry you by choice, were three times as much.

  He sat up and went downstairs, looking around for his oldest son since the second one was out on a field trip, "Shun? Did you see your mother?"

  "She went out."

  Oikawa looked out of the window to see if the car was still there, and to his surprise, it was. Where could you have went? Without a car...?

  With every hour that passed, his heart beat faster, and faster, worried of what might have happened to you. At exactly 6pm, he rushed out and started the engine, leaving nothing but dust behind him as he went to look for you.

(Haikyuu) Oikawa x Reader AFTERSTORYWhere stories live. Discover now