Business Trip

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[[Idk bro- I'm seriously in love with writing but at the same time, I'm just going all psychology- idk what to do. I like to draw too but my passion for writing is beyond anything else. It's just so amusing and fun. But Psychology is what I'm into-- Anyways--!! I'm going to try to update frequently!

Btw, this is a rather devastating chapter-- jk- is that how you use the word? Meh. It's a question all wives ask themselves. Hope You Enjoy!]]

Started: 13/8/2015, 2.24pm


Oikawa left the house early this time, patting the heads of his kids, stopping in front of you, he smiled and placed a kiss on your lips, "it's my first business trip."

"Don't get overexcited. This is the last day you'll see me."

"Heck no, honey," he snapped his fingers in a Z formation, and you slapped his back.

"This is abuse--" Satoshi mumbled.

Oikawa grinned and clinged onto his son, faking his crying, "MY SON UNDERSTANDS!!"

Satoshi crinkled his nose and pried Oikawa's fingers, patting his father's head.

You looked at them, this has got to be the weirdest family you'd ever imagine, let alone see... Worse still, or maybe better, it was yours.

B) explosions come in the background-- (recognise the emoji? You love me-)

So cool- Oikawa laughed and let go, patting his son's head, "I'll be back." You waved, knowing you didn't have to worry and that your husband would be back soon. You realised, though, the time. You sighed at the man taking his time to skip in circles, "you ass! You're late for the bus!"

A cuss, "frickity *bleep* *bleep* frick frack and shit," ...... Okay, quite a few cusses, and stumbles, then running down the pavement to the station.

Swear words were censored for kiddy reasons. JK. Who am I kidding? This is the internet. But still--

You chuckled and started counting down.

It's been a freaking week. Where the heck was his ass? You were pacing back and forth of your house's corridors and you can't help but to think why he was taking such a long time to come back.

Please notice the reference please notice the reference. /points at reference

What if Oikawa was met with an accident? What if he was cheating? Or worse yet! What if he forgot to get souvenirs and decided to make a detour and was abducted by aliens?!

"Tooru baby!!!"

"Mum! We're trying to sleep here!" Satoshi's agitated voice reached your ears.

"Shut up, you're skyping your boyfriend, Sato! Gimme some peace!" You retorted, rolling your eyes.


And you continued worrying.

"Mum... Did you stay up all night?" Yumi asked.

"Huh? What? No of coursnot!" You said, your words barely making any sense, with a hint of slur. Shun raised a brow at you.

"Maybe." You shrugged, admitting.

The doorbell rang and you went to it, expecting your love but the postman was there. You took the parcel and smashed it on the ground, shouting cuss words at him, though only in your mind did you throw and lash out. But in sad reality, you smiled a little smile and asked what he *bleep*ing wanted. The postman frowned, asked you to sign the paper and left, thanking and passing you the parcel.
You sighed and closed the door, walked to the couch and opened the parcel, whcih contained a box, which contained a mini cake. The doorbell rang once again. You requested for Satoshi to open the door and when he did, Oikawa came bursting in, he started, "I'm home!! Honey!! Did you see the-" but was rudely interrupted by a cake that went flying his way, landing on his face, "this taste good." Oikawa commented, after pausing and licking his cake stained lips.

You fought back tears threatening, "you're late."

"Am I?"

"You're 18 hours late."

"You've been counting."

"Since the clock stroke 12..."

Oikawa chuckled, "sorry I'm late, my Cinderella."

He placed a kiss on your lips, you smiled, and pat his cheeks, crumbs falling onto the ground. "Tooru..."

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"You're dirtying the place."

"N-not my fault!!" He whined.

You ushered him up to the room to bathe, then went down to clean up with the help of your kids, still dazed from the corniness they had just faced.

You grinned again at the sight of the box on the table, the little card laying there. A little note on it, "Happy Birthday my strawberry cake ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*。"

And the very first message he'd ever sent to you on the day you first went out. He never really changed much. He's still the Oikawa Tooru you knew and dated.

He's still your Oikawa Tooru.


[[Rushes rushes. I'm hungry. (Starving) PT3 trials is next week, Tuesday and I'm panicking. I did shit for oral and lisan no problemo. Rushing homeworks. 100% *bleep*ed. I tried to separate the story and my telling the story and comments~ I'm a storyteller tbh, and at the same time a writer so I'm sorry if it's a bit confusing! If it's still confusing, please tell me! And if you did notice the reference-- /sparkles with love/ Thanks For Reading!!]]

Finished: 20/8/2015, 7.58pm

(Haikyuu) Oikawa x Reader AFTERSTORYWhere stories live. Discover now