The Usual Mandatory Author's Note

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Hello all! If this is you're first time reading any of my works, welcome, but be warned: My stories invoke lots of feels. Prepare yourselves. Have your shock blanket ready, your hoard of tissues (and/or toilet paper), and anything you'll need to survive.

If you're a regular reader of my works, welcome back, I'm pleased to know that you've returned for more feels ;)

The mandatory disclaimer: Any OCs and anything that relates to the OCs seen through this fanfic belong to me. Anything else belongs to the rightful owner(s), as I am hardly worthy to have created such amazing characters/plot lines. 

Please note that I take pride in my works, and I'm not fond of plagiarism. If anyone is caught stealing, whether by myself or by any readers/followers of mine, you will be reported, that is, if the Hellhounds don't find you first. 

So, bottom line: If I have never stolen from you, it's courtesy to not steal from me.

We capiche? Good.

This is my second Supernatural fanfic, with plenty more ideas that have yet to be complete and up here for all to read. I figured since Sammy had his love story, Dean deserves a little love too. 

They just want to be loved, right? 

Speaking of my first Supernatural fanfic, it will be referenced throughout the book. So if anyone is confused a bit about something, please refer to my 'You Found Me' fanfic. (Please note that the book is still readable even if you haven't read 'You Found Me', there just may be a few references you may not understand.)

Let's see, let's see, what else...? Oh! This book takes place midway through season 8, specifically 8x12 "As Times Goes By."

I consider this rated PG-13 for the usual things Supernatural comes with: dark themes, language (some F word use, more than I've ever written before in any story ever), and some hints of sexual content (but no 50 Shades, otherwise this would be Mature).

P.S. A very special thanks to LittleMissMoll for the trailer!

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