8. The Bat Cave

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8. The Bat Cave

The Winchesters ended up burying Henry. I wasn't present and didn't help; I remained in the car during the time. Not long afterwards, I ended up hanging around with the brothers on their next venture. Our destination: the coordinates Larry Ganem had given Sam before his untimely demise thanks to Abaddon. We had the key on us, so it was a matter of finding this place.

Ever since the whole thing with Henry Winchester and Abaddon finished, there's been an awkward air between the three of us. I've barely said a few words unless someone talks to me. Sam's been more approachable than Dean has been since the incident. I like Sam a little better, only because he hadn't pointed a gun at my face the first day that we met.

We've driven for a little while now, since this morning. I can feel the Impala slow, so I decide to wake myself up from my catnap. Dean pulls off from the road and cuts off the engine. I'm intrigued by what we're stopped in front of. It looks like a bunker that's built into a bank.

"So, what's this place again?" I yawn as we all get out of the Impala. "Their panic room?"

"More like a safe house," Sam tells me. "Or I guess a library. Larry said it has everything that's been collected for thousands of years are tucked away in here. All things supernatural."

I let out a low whistle. "Could be a huge jackpot for you guys." I don't refer to the three of us as a unit, as I'm still an outsider.

"When's the last time somebody was in this place?" Dean wonders aloud.

"Sixty-five, seventy years ago," Sam murmurs.

I'm the first to start down the stairs that leads to the door, eager to see what's inside this place now. Once I'm at the last step, I look up and realize just how hidden this staircase is when you're driving by it. I bet this place gets overlooked a lot.

I wait a bit impatiently as Sam and Dean take their time. Dean puts the key into the door and gets it unlocked.

"Oh, I didn't realize we were keeping flashlights on hand," I say as the boys bring two out and click them on. "Nice of you to include me."

"Just don't get ahead of us and you won't get hurt," Sam tells me.

We get through the first pair of doors. There's a short hall that leads to another set. Dean gets those open, and we're plunged into darkness. Their lights shine on a railing, so I assume we're at the top of some stairs. I go to the railing and grip it, peering down where the lights go.

"Son of a bitch," Dean whispers.

"Look at this," Sam murmurs in awe. I see that Sam's light is on some rather ancient-looking equipment. Okay, it's not ancient, but it's probably older than us. "Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve center."

"Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters."

I stumble in the dark, my hands fumbling along the walls to be safe. I keep an eye on the brothers, seeing what they see. Sam's gone downstairs, while Dean is up with me still. Dean's light is on a table with an unfinished game of chess, an ashtray, and what looks to be a very nasty-looking coffee cup.

"Wow. Halfway through their coffee and a game of chess-looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick."

"On the alarm call that ended the Men of Letters."

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