26. "I'm a Goner, We Both Are."

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26. "I'm a Goner, We Both Are."

"So, this 'Naomi' has been controlling you since she got you out of Purgatory?" Dean asks once Cas tells us the story.

"Yeah." Cas still holds the Angel Tablet.

"Well, w-what broke the connection?"

"I don't know. I just know that I have to protect this tablet now."

"From Naomi?" I question.

"Yes. And from you."

"From us? What are you talking about?" Thunder rumbles above. My eyes go up and then back only to find Cas is gone, along with the Angel Tablet. "Cas?"

"Cas!" Dean shouts.

"Damn it," I curse.


Dean and I look at each other to see Sam come barreling into the crypt. "Dean. Max. Where's Cas?"

"He's gone," I report. "Meg?" I notice the demon isn't with him.

"We got to go-now." The urgency in Sam's tone tells me we've got some bad company.

The three of us take the scenic route out of the crypt, out of the basement, and out of the warehouse. I slow my pace as my eyes catch the sight of a very bloody, battered (more than when we found her) Meg, on the ground. Before her, with his back to me, looks like a well-dressed man. I can't hear what they're saying; they're too far away.

"Max!" Dean calls.

I break my attention to run for the Impala, throwing the door open. The back window of the Impala gives me a good view, as now Meg is being held up by her jacket by the man. I slam the door, at this both turn their heads.

My heart gallops when the man's eyes find the Impala. His eyes are black from my distance, but I assume they're brown. His face is etched into a grimace, but there's something else. Something I can't quite place...

Meg suddenly stabs the man with a silver blade of her own, catching his shoulder. Sparks fly, and I realize that the man is a demon. Figures. Shouldn't surprise me. What does surprise me though is the man's defiance. He grabs Meg's blade and stabs her. I feel like I'm about to puke.

I'm nearly flown into the back window of the Impala as Dean punches the gas. I tremble as I see Meg's body crumple, and the demon looking on as we're growing the distance between us.

"Buckle up back there, Max," Dean tells me.

I don't do it quickly enough; he jerks the car to the right, sending me flying into the car door. I curse as I hastily get myself situated. My hands go through my hair. Meg got us our get away. She saved our asses. Maybe Cas will never know she died. He'll know someday. Maybe.

I close my eyes, trying to suppress the memory in my head. Dark night. Alleyway. Pain. Emmett. Sophie. He was going to kill them. But I stopped him. I killed him. I saved those kids.

"Max. Hey, Max."

I'm snapped out of the past and back into reality. I look fretfully into the mirror so green eyes can meet blue. "W-what?"

"You okay back there?"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I rest my head against the cool window. In, out. In, out. It's done. We're alive. No worries. We live another day.

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